"Yes and when I was sixteen Claudia called the police because I had disappeared during a night at the disco and when they found me I was so high on cocaine that I was about to throw myself off a bridge into the sea." - Daisy shouted in the hope of convincing Emily

They were all shocked by the statement the younger agent had just made, Emily's face was petrified, but none of them could be as shocked as Daisy. She never thought she would be able to talk about that part of her past out loud.

"Yes, Daisy, you're right but..." - JJ tried to say

"Betty is not well, because Betty is not a normal girl, she is a drug addict. She is not like you, she is like me and if Claudia had not called the police that evening and if they had not come looking for me I would now be dead at the bottom of the sea ." - she continued to yell, interrupting whatever the other agent was trying to say

"Okay, screw it, let's go." - said Rossi

Daisy loved how the oldest profiler always seemed to be on her side. He didn't care about Emily's opinion or authority, he knew how to override her and do what was right for him, regardless of the consequences.

"Yes, come on, I'll drive." - said Emily who responded as if she had just woken up from a nightmare

The ride to the bar was terrible for Daisy. Emily was running too fast and she was suffering terribly from the car, but at that moment she couldn't decide whether the terrible feeling in her stomach was due to the speed, the two beers, Betty or the fact that she had just admitted to three FBI agents that she had been a cocaine addict.

When they arrived in the parking lot of the bar they split up automatically, without Emily having to give any orders. Daisy began running across the parking lot, followed by her boss, looking for any sign that would help her understand where the girl had gone.

She didn't care if the bartender,who had sold her drugs shortly before, saw her and recognized her. She had to find Betty at any cost and so she suddenly stopped realizing that she wasn't thinking at all.

Emily looked at her questioningly: she was unable to understand or follow the range and speed of Daisy's thoughts. Only the youngest agent could think like a drug addict, only she could know that the only place it made sense for them to look for Betty was the back of that bar, not visible from any corner of the street.

She started running again, leaving Emily behind her increasingly perplexed, but the older agent now blindly trusted every choice Daisy was making, even if many of those were dictated by the heart and not the head, and therefore began to follow her at a fast pace: she was no longer young enough to run with that ardor and desperation.

When Emily rounded the corner of the bar she found Daisy crouched astride the body of a girl, pale as snow. The younger agent was desperately trying to reanimate her without much success.

Around her body lay a bag of coke, less white than that girl's face. A few times Emily Prentiss had been paralyzed during her work, but seeing with how much anger and desperation Daisy was trying to save that little girl was taking away her strength to breathe.

She hadn't really realized how long she had been staring at her, still, but she was sure it had been a long time, because Daisy had started to cry from physical pain and awareness, but she wouldn't stop performing the CPR.

Emily hadn't called 911 because from the moment she saw Betty's body she knew there was nothing they could do: they arrived too late. An electric shock suddenly ran through her entire body and gave her the strength to move towards Daisy and physically lift her off Betty's body.

"What the fuck are you doing Emily, fucking leave me, leave me!" - Daisy screamed, struggling, but Emily's arms were too strong and held her too tight

"Enough Daisy, enough, you can't do anything anymore." - Emily said in a calm tone of voice, trying to reassure her

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