Act 1 - Chapter 2: Unusual Alliance

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A/N: oh goody, the chapter that shares the name of the book.

(Room 14 - Y/N)

"H-Hi? Uh... Y-you didn't see me..." Said the panicked Screech. It is at this point that I should make it clear that Screeches move around by hovering like a drone, which was more noticeable now that the lights were on, and it wasn't trying to attack me like some bastard spider who lives in the drawers.

I slowly approach the Screech, unsure of how to react or what to say just in case it was a trick or if they tried to attack. I could tell they were panicked as even from halfway across the room, I could hear their shaky breathing and they were quivering. This was highly unusual as Screeches love acting like assholes and biting us, so I was on high alert.

"Hey, it's okay, I don't have a crucifix buddy." I speak slowly and calmly to show them that I was friendly and meant no harm, but they were untrusting as they became more distressed as I approached. The fear in their eyes was unlike anything I remember seeing in any sort of media, the only thing i can compare it to is a stray kitten being cornered.

"S-stay back! Get away from m-me!" Yelled the Screech as I notice tears forming in their eyes. I'm no fighter, but i'll freely throw hands with whoever hurt this lil' guy to the point they don't even want to attack. I know, it's weird that I'd fight for someone I barely know, but if you were in my situation, you'd think that too. I kneel down to their level and notice the missing two tentacles, as if they were chopped off with a butcher's knife, which might explain the origin of their fear.

"Hey..." I say as I try to reach out a hand to pat them, but they recoil and immediately close their eyes and 'cover' their face with their tentacles, quietly whimpering as if expecting me to... Hurt them.


I have never had a positive thought run about my mind about any of the entities here, let alone any of the Screechesother than the occasional daring thought that they were sorta cute when they weren't trying to gice you a concussion.

But... this?

This was more than disturbing. It's like... I felt something deep inside me, something I haven't felt for anything in this hotel other than for injured Travellers and the occasional dead spiders (because not all of them are that bad D: )

I felt... Pity... remorse... I just couldn't bear to see this poor thing suffer like this, I...

I pat the Screech on the head and notice they had broken down crying and trembling as I stroke their head like a person would pet a cat. "P-please..." I could them begging, which had made me even more sympathetic towards their current situation. "D-don't hurt me..."

I decided to do something I would probably regret, but I pulled the Screech closer and hugged them. It was a little awkward as they were the same size my head and because they were trembling violently, but after a few seconds they wrapped their tentacles around me to hug me back as they broke down crying. I hugged them tighter and stroked their head as, despite being the first time an entity was showing this amount of emotion, I just couldn't bare to see them scared beyond belief.

"It's okay buddy, I'm not gonna hurt ya, I promise" I spoke calmly as I pat their 'back'. This was, by all means, the first time I've hugged anybody, let alone an entity. Who knew Screeches felt exactly like a pillow coated in ink. Ii felt like... It would be wrong if I just left them behind or if I didn't protect them. They were holding me tightly as if their life depended on it and they were sobbing into my jacket, I couldn't live with myself if I abandoned them just because their were an entity.

"I'm not going to leave you..." I said calmly.

"I promise..."

(Timeskip - 3 minutes later, Room 15)

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