XXIV. Boracay (Bada & Howl POV)

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"When is it?"

"They're saying mid this month."

"Oh," he nods, trying to hide his disappointment. Jam Republic had just offered Bada and Kirsten a special opportunity in partnership with the Singapore Tourism Board: an all-expenses paid trip to Singapore as long as they participated in some promotional filming. It was a great opportunity, but it'd cut their vacation short.

"Well, it's good we haven't booked anything yet. Maybe we can book places close to Singapore," Howl offers.

Bada tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

"I think we can still have our most of our vacation if we—"

"Wait, no, Howl," she cuts him off quickly. "I'm not accepting this."

He reacts in surprise. "You're not?"

She reaches for his hand across their dining table and squeezes it. "Of course not. This is our time, and I've been looking forward so much to our vacation. They can get someone else easy." Given the finality in her tone, he knows she has already made up her mind.

"Okay, then," he says simply though his face breaks out into a wide grin; seeing him smiles makes her smile. She had learned her lesson from last year, and she was not about to let work dominate everything else in her life. Plus, traveling with him was one of the things she loved most.

"Let me call JR to tell them." She picks up her phone and walks into the bedroom.

After a while, she comes out, an oddly hopeful expression on her face. "Howl? They said they'd accept if I said no, but they offered us something."


"For you to join me in Singpore. It was something they were already considering actually - letting Kirsten and me each bring a plus one - since she and I, you know, we get along but have a language barrier. We're only filming a couple hours each day and we'd get the rest of the time to do what we want. They said we could even stay a few days outside filming - and they'd cover everything."

His eyes widen. "Oh wow...that's actually..."

"...not bad, right?" she finishes, both of them thinking the same thing. Neither had been to Singapore yet, and it was the best launching pad in Asia to travel to/from other countries. The more they discuss it, the more they're excited at the idea. Howl could accompany her to filming or have solo time, and they'd be able to spend most of each day together. It might even make it easier for them to see popular attractions without worry because filming there would require privacy and security protocols. After they talk it through, Bada calls the agency back and agrees to the deal. She and Howl spend the rest of the morning researching where they'd want to travel before.

"Somewhere warm and by the water," she muses, leaning her head on his shoulder as they scroll through travel blogs.


"Mmmmmm," she hums as her eyes widen. "Yours is so good," she admits, pouting slightly. Since they were on vacation, she wanted to be more adventurous with food, but she now regrets picking the red bean base for her halo halo. Howl's more traditional pick - mango shaved ice with fresh mangos - proved a smarter choice.

Howl laughs. He had grown used to this - Bada's adventurous foodie side often emerged when they were traveling, though it didn't always pan out. Of the two, he was less selective when it came to food and liked most things. Without saying a word, he switches their desserts, pushing his towards her.

"No. I didn't mean...I like mine fine," she insists, reaching for hers.

He grabs her reaching hand softly. "Eat mine, I know you like it more. I like both equally so it doesn't matter to me."

Bada x Howl: Standing Next to YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon