Question 223

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GachaClubDefender5: Another question is from Izhad2005! *Reading the question* Have you even encountered anyone who at first seemed hostile and unfriendly and the more you know about them. The more you realize their behaving like this because it's only way they know how to deal with whatever pain that is causing them deep inside. 

David: *Raise my eyebrow* No. Back then, we was only focus on ourselves from our own selves journey & dealing with our own thing. Back then I couldn't careless & ISN'T my own business at all since I wasn't there to not wonder why that person, or anybody was unfriendly. Beside we fairly have something like that from meeting with other students that we consider as friend from the other Team but NOT in Hostile or unfriendly way & are there just as we are for the same reason. 

Erasa: Look rather this is something that you think you would expect for us to answer from how we each grown further from each other & think we would do the same for those that are hostile & unfriendly instantly. Not for a long shot unless it something that it taking way too far or think of causing problem since we won't think twice of stopping that problem from any hostile or unfriendly people regardless of the reason of going that fair. 

Jade: If we have to be hard direct on anybody that hostile, we AREN'T gotta show no mercy of them doing those problem thing if they can't even overcome & them letting it consume. 

Dawn: It may sound heartless but it from how we manage to grow & overcome the pain traumas that happen to us & we're not just simply friendly after overcoming it, we take after David & approach thing how we handle it. 

Wendy: We're not like this curious people of wonder why the person is hostile or unfriendly despise of the pain they gone through. Many of us experience the hardship of suffer & struggle within our life. We're don't be like we understand what we gone through & it's be okay. That is ONLY depending on the anybody act to us & we're not just gotta approach it all carefully, since that ISN'T how we do thing & from who we are. 

David: *Serious* In other word, we're not like our Rival but we handle this our way. And rather those that hostile like it or not even from the reason being their pain only then it how far they willing to get consume instead of getting actual help. 

-Words Result: 455-

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