Question 207

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GachaClubDefender5: Another question is from Izhad2005! *Reading the question* Question: What is the event that affected you so much that it permanently changed your life and still haunts you to this day?

Boom Yang: Well, event that permanently change our life but still haunt us to this day. On the fair side, not really haunting for some of us. Like me when I find out about my Mom Summer Rose NOT being my Real Mother & that my Real Mom abandon me after giving birth to me. Permanent change, yes but NOT in a Haunted way. But I do admit this moment during the war my Partner Blake loss her arm by her Monster Ex Boyfriend, Adam from saving me & I felt guilty from couldn't stop Adam from doing that when she saves me. NOT haunted but Guilty.

Boom Blake: Losing my arm is a permanent change in my life. But NOT in a haunted way since I did it to protect my Partner, Yang & I was lucky to survive. 

Boom Weiss: Well, my Father showing his True Color did change my life but NOT haunted me since I met my Family in law when I was little & NOT having my life being control by my father. I sure as h-ll NOT haunted by it from my Father being kill during the war. He sure will NOT be miss in the Schnee Family name. 

Boom Ruby: Only thing that is permanent change is from the war that happen to us. Can't really say that it haunts me & the other but no doubt it did change many lives that suffer through it. It never easy for us but we all manage together after what been throw on us. 

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