Question 196

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GachaClubDefender5: We got another question by BluEmber469 & also along with this person OC, Ember. *Reading BluEmber469 question* Hey to everyone here what are your favorite pet names you call your lovers and your favorite pet names you get called by your lovers and you could react to the ultimate smash bros by smg4 which is his first song posted on his channel that isnt a wotfi rap battle?

 *Reading BluEmber469 question* Hey to everyone here what are your favorite pet names you call your lovers and your favorite pet names you get called by your lovers and you could react to the ultimate smash bros by smg4 which is his first song pos...

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-Ember Question-

 What your favorite form is when your fighting villians?

-Question end-

DMG25 F(Y/N): Technically I CAN'T really answer that question on pet name since I haven't gotta together with any love yet. But I guess in a way during my time when Isabella was alive, we do kind of exchange cute name for each other, but never really not deeply though due to the time of Isabella was recovering from her force love incident from her ex boyfriend & DIDN'T want to felt on calling each other pet name until that time truly come from yet... Even when our love grown stronger the point of calling each other pet name NEVER happened after her Soul was destroy FOREVER. It was cute name but NOT in any form of cherish pet name type. As for favorite form for facing villains, I would say my Guardian Form. Appearance as a Mobian Wolf Dragon & unleashing my TRUE Potential of my power quite pack a huge punch before kicking it to my powerful form. To me, I do love the Guardian Form even if it isn't like a Superpower Form style but can be combine with other form.

DW F(Y/N): I'm on the same boat as my other me of haven't gotta together with any love yet so I CAN'T answer that as well. For favorite form fighting against Villains, feel like it a casual answer but to me, it's Hyper Guardian Form. It may didn't come close... To protecting my Hometown but the Hyper Guardian Form is never a doubt a very powerful form that use Hyper Power & it ability it got & work when combing with my power even with both Wind & Chaos Energy. It's the Full all Power Force of the Guardian Forms. 

DMG10 F(Y/N): Pet name for my 2 fiancé & pet name that they call me. *Blush* Well no doubt that I call Ruby, Sweetie & Yang, Babe. As for the Pet name they call me it's Star Darling~.  As for favorite form to fight against villains, I would say Star Guardian Goddess. Sure, that I do have another form that is stronger than Star Guardian Goddess, but the potential of all 9 Elemental Abilities forming into one to truly embrace the Godly Energy & became one with each other that make Star Guardian Goddess a TRULY Force of Star Energy & Potential. I am always on my prime when using that form & even if it too much, I'll kick it up. But Star Guardian Goddess is always my favorite form. 

DMG50 F(Y/N): *Blush* Pet name huh? Well, I call Weiss my Ice Princess & for Blake my Kitty Babe. They call me their Werewolf Princess~. They LOVE the soft & lovely fur when we cuddle together when I'm in my Werehog Form & show so much LOVE affections & even pats me & stroke my fur with LOVE like a wonderful Werehog love~. I can purr from their lovely touch all the time or at least when my Guardian Phase or heat from the Werehog Form start kicking in. As for favorite form to fight villains with. To me, when I started truly embrace my Werehog Form & both of the Light Gaia & Dark Gaia Energy to embrace the balance between them & I grown closer to LOVING my Werehog Form & master the ability that it's carry thanks to Machito & Lucy. When combing with the Light Gaia & Dark Gaia, the power that it gains have a new height of power & I truly became the balance between Light Gaia & Dark Gaia to truly move forward of my traumas.

G35 (Y/N): *Blush* Pet name huh? I always my boyfriend, Jaune My Aura Knight~. And for my pet's name he call me his Honey~. As for my favorite form to fight against Villain. I would say, Super Guardian 2. I have Hyper Guardian, but something about Super Guardian 2 feel very unique & special from being the beyond ascend level of Super Guardian & the tremendous power it have is no joke when going all in with power & speed. *Blush* My love does see me in my Super Guardian 2 very attractive. I may not have get so attract to his comment to make out with him. '

G64 (Y/N): *Blush* I would call my love, SMG4 my Meme Sweetie & he would call me his Beautiful Angel~. As for my favorite Form, I would say the Umbra Form! Powerful potential the Umbra Form is fill with massive power & a very unique ability to freeze time for a short time & can be combine with forms! With that little downside of risking using Time Freeze in a form that would drain & strain the body alot of the amount it gives out in form. But the Umbra Form is also have the HOTTEST & BEAUTIFUL appearance that give to the Gals User & even show the color trait on who the Gal feel in love with & SMG4 told me I'm as beautiful as Goddess Angel~. 

G40 (Y/N): *Blush* Well I sure as heck do call my loves their pet's name. Such as Ruby my Rose Sweetie, Weiss my Ice Princess, Blake my Hot Kitty & Yang as my Hot Babe~. For Ruby, she calls me, her Dragon Love, Weiss her Dragon Knight, Blake her Dragon Darling & Yang her Dragon Babe~.  For my Favorite Form to fight Villain with. I may have Goddess Energy, but my favorite form will always be the Semi Dragon Form. Powerhouse Dragon Ability within my family & can be mix with other forms & increase with Guardian Might. I do feel more in my Prime when using Semi Dragon Form & can really pack a punch in power scale. 

GachaClubDefender5: Okay, now all the left is the video to react from. Which is the Ultimate Smash Bros by SMG4 himself. 

G40 (Y/N): I do recall hearing that.

G64 (Y/N): Oh yeah! My love done that as a music video! 

DW F(Y/N): Hmm, sound very interesting. Let check it out.

GachaClubDefender5: Alright. I check over it & it's greenlight to show it.

-4:35 later after watching the video-

G64 F(Y/N): *Squeaking in joy* Oh! Listening to this feel so amazing! The nostalgia feeling still hold up so well!

G40 F(Y/N): Whoa, if SMG4 made this from the beginning hype of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. He done a GREAT job on this music video.

DW F(Y/N): Man watching this is an all out war in Smash. The Rythm & tune really fit each other so much. 

G35 (Y/N): *O>O while having Vietnam flashback of my experience in Smash Bro Parody from the battle & dumb ah-t my eyes couldn't unsee like I been through war* Yeah... That one way to put it in all out war. 

DMG10 F(Y/N): *Sigh & roll my eyes* The experience of Smash is quite unique & crazy while also trying to keep my brothers in bay. *Remembering I came across Mythra, Pyra & Samus with little shade blush* Although before I begin dating Ruby & Yang, I do admit that I find my time with Mythra, Pyra & Samus to be quite nice & enjoyable. *Pout a bit* I did find them very attraction & smoking hot. But that was the time before my feeling to Ruby & Yang even begin to grow. It would be like a phase of Smash or Pass thing in a joke. But now I have Ruby & Yang as my fiancés they'll be the one I will Smash & make love with!

DMG25 F(Y/N): Man, this would have been a great sponsor for Smash Bro Ultimate. It that good.

DMG50 F(Y/N): I can agree. Although still a bit down from certain choice that would have been perfect for Smash Bro Ultimate Characters but as Gunner, Sword & Brawler Costume instead. 

-Words Result: 1421-

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