Question 186

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GachaClubDefender5: Alrighty, this question is from SapphireDraken173 & it being ask by her OC, RWBY Sapphire!

-RWBY Sapphire Question-

 What is something new you discovered about yourself?

-Question end-

Rexy: Something new that I discovered about myself? *Blush* Well, there is no surprise that I was stun by surprise when I was falling in LOVE with Saiko. Admittingly, because of my life in the past I didn't find myself from looking for true love or from being attraction to Gal that I like & are my type. Sure, that there was Lucy, but I grow alright being her close friend & I do think of her the same as Machito. Course their Daughter & how much beautiful she have grown, but I also think the same on her as well & plus I felt that both Daughter & Max would hook up from how their Bestie Relationship goes. And yes, there was Team RWBY & other Gals from Academy, but during that time I was only focus on finding the path in my life & I got closer for them to call them my true friend to trust & love. Sure, their Starla, but I only see her as my favorite cousin even though we're not blood related & same with Tari from having Favorite Cousin vibe, as for Dalla & Dana... They're a pain in the a-- & annoy me so much with all the teases. But meeting Saiko change my life after getting to know her & how close we gotta since we met. I... I NEVER felt a form of love in my life because of my father & the d--n destiny cycle that I couldn't stand within the family. It makes me feel so whole & love. The TRUE feeling of LOVE, not the one that is by force from my family on this Destiny Cycle. It felt REAL & TRUE to me, I want to CHERISH my love with my girlfriend Saiko & fill her with LOVE from my heart & honestly, she is also a very bada-- Gal that really have my taste but also have a very kind heart from understanding me & my life. I'm happy to help Saiko change her way & feel very proud of her. We are very happy together. 

Jaune: *Thinking* Hmm... What did I discover about myself? Well, in a way I did felt like that coming across this Earth Side of alot of stupid & weird thing that happen in the Mushroom Kingdom kind of almost got me thinking back of the Ever After... *Sigh* Beside even though that it was a miracle that I was even reverse back to my original age when I first fall, but still felt off & strange that I still remember my time & life taken away from me. It was still... A very painful & lonely experience in my life. *Look at Rexy* But... In a way at least that I wasn't all alone but still hurt us both.

Rexy: *Nod & knowing too well on our struggle that time* 

Jaune: But in a way it got me to be on my guard from anything so stupid. Funny in a meme way they call it not gotta lie quite funny, being scar for life on what I witness that make me want to bleach my eyes another hand, I don't think I was ever ready with all that training. I guess that I do feel a bit brotherly lonely watching my little Sister Ashley finally being the age to attend Beacon Academy & much better than how I attend Beacon like a Brother with a prideful & proud look on his face.

Nora: And by prideful & proud he meant crying his eyes out from seeing his little Sister being send off to Beacon Academy to carry out the Arc Legacy.

Jaune: *Mouth wide open & look at Nora* COME ON NORA! WHY MUST YOU ADD EXTRA DETAIL?!

Nora: I believe what SMG4 would say, Hidden Content. *:3*

Jaune: *Look down on my bed hiding my face with sad music*

Nora: As for me of what I discover about myself. *:D* How much I hate Mangle from FNAF. 

Rexy: *O_o* Really?

Nora: How can I not ever since we came cross her. The screeching ear that makes our ear want to bleed like a broken body b--ch & screech just to pi-- me off never thought that I would felt this hatred to that screeching b--ch. 

Ren: *Raise my eyebrow* Alright, as a bonus content?

Nora: *:D* Well, I do find meme to be very funny & joke I can understand. Yang is one lucky Gal to date SMG4. Both of course my love for Ren is ALWAYS stronger than ever~.

Ren: *Smile* Well, to me what I discover something new about myself is my compassion & determination to help alot of people with mental problem from both within & physical of the person mindset. Course back in the day during Salem Threat, my semblance was use to mask people including my own emotion of negative emotional to stop Grimm from being drawn to. But you could say that my new evolve Semblance I can see people TRUE Emotion & what they TRULY feel. In a way, I been helping people in a different way with my Semblance under Ava guide in a therapy way to help people with mental mind that need SERIOUS help & help them truly express themselves & guide them in their road of recovery. And I can also help in knowing if the person itself is lying or being truthful in a way just in case if something is off that they somehow hid from Rexy sensing lie. And that is something I know that my mother can be proud of from being the type of person to use word to guide & help from understanding people feeling & to support their health being. I can be both like my father & mother but also while doing them MY own way. 

-Words Result: 1021-

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