Diana stifles a laugh. Mr. Phillips just stares at me beca he does not speak French. So he just sighs and moves on.


It's the end of the school day and Josie Pye has summoned the boys and girls into the back room for a game.

"Whomever the bottle points to... you are permitted to kiss." My eyes widen as I watch from the doorway. "It needs to be boy, girl, boy, girl."

"Where does that leave Cole?" Billy remarks making some of the boys laugh.

"Jane, go sit next to your dumb brother. Tillie, you're over there. And, Anne, switch places with Charlie." Josie then brings her eyes up to me. "Are you playing or do you have a pie to go bake or something?"

"We could swap her out for the orphan." Billy suggests.

I roll my eyes. "In your dreams, Andrews. I will gladly watch."

Josie takes her seat next to Cole and asks, "Who would like to spin first?"

"Diana!" Charlie cheers.

"Uh... Okay." Diana leans forward and spins the bottle. It spins and spins until it lands on-

"Moody." Josie smiles.

"Me?" Moody asks, a very surprised look on his face.

"Now you have to kiss. On the mouth." Josie declares making them gasp.

"Good afternoon, Moody." Diana nods.

"Good afternoon, Diana." Moody rubs his sweaty palms together. "I'm going to kiss you now."

They very slowly lean towards one another before quickly pecking each other on the lips. It was truly— adorable. Everyone cheers as they sit down.

"Your turn, Anne."

"I'm out." Billy snaps making Anne frown. "No way. Ugly orphan."

"What's wrong, Billy?" I ask. "Too scared to kiss a real woman?" I tease making his face go red.

"What are you afraid of, Anne? I seem to recall you knowing a lot about intimate relations." Josie teases. "You're from unfortunate circumstances. This can't be your first kiss."

"Josie Pye, shut your mouth." I stare at her sternly and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Ye..." Anne starts before snapping. "No!"

She stands from her spot and runs out of the room."Anne!" Diana follows after her.

"I hope you are all proud of yourselves." I huff before leaving the room.

"Anne! Anne." I follow Diana out and we try to catch up to Anne. "Why did you run, Anne?" Diana asks when we do.

"That Josie Pye! For someone with such a lack of imagination, she certainly knows how to invent cruel and unusual forms of torture! Why should I be forced to give an expression of tenderness to indifferent or, in some cases, repulsive persons?" Anne yells as we stomp down the path.

"Billy wasn't very nice at all. I'm sorry he hurt your feelings."

"The whole thing hurts everyone's feelings. It's not conducive!" Anne raises her voice once more.

"Con... ducive?"

"Conducive, an adjective meaning tending to produce; contributive; helpful; favorable-"

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