Chapter 059 - Pirates?

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately, it is a cruise ship that does not sail to the pirate threat area, so it is not equipped with pirate defense technologies. So their hope is only Gerald can guard the ship. But that huge ship? No one can guarantee Gerald can.

So Rory tries his best to broadcast the situation live. He also tries to contact everyone, hoping for help. But unfortunately, Mr. Ma is out of reach, maybe he is busy at that time. The only people who respond to Rory are just South Koreans and Ndunga.

"What is wrong Rory, why does this call feel like an emergency?" Ndunga answers Rory's call.

"It is an emergency indeed. We are attacked by pirates." Rory said.

"Pirates?? Well, I do not expect that will happen, but it is possible. Maybe some pirates survived on an island, and now they are hunting for live supplies and unfortunately, your ship become the target. Well, if they successfully reach your ship and conquer your ship. Just comply, they must be just in demand for food right now. I will establish my team to help you ASAP." Ndunga said still in a calm manner.

"Are you sure? There is plenty of their ship I see from here, more than 30 ships I guess." Rory said.

"More than 30?! It is impossible, the pirates usually just act by one boat or most are three boats. This must be something else. Could you please do a maximal zoom to see them?" Ndunga said.

Then Rory does what Ndunga asks. He zooms in on his camera until they can see the flags on the ships.

"OH NO... This is bad... That is the symbol of CCT (Children of Crufix Thorn), the armed rebel or terrorist organization that I told you about at that time. CCT is the biggest and strongest organization that conquer all the African region at that time. But now their concentrated conquered region is mostly in the East Region. Well, let's say their conquered region in the whole of Africa is about 60 percent on the East. But they are still really strong, and no one dares to make a mess with them, including my organization frontally, so we still do not have much problem with CCT." Ndunga explained a bit.

"Then why do they attack us right now?" Rory asked. At this time Gerald is already back inside the Bridge to listen to what is happening also.

"The problem is the other flag, it is RDA's flag (Religion Defender Acolyte). I also already explained to you at that time. RDA is a similar organization to CCT, but they just existed and grew fast for the past 7 years. Their territory is in the West Region. This is the organization that you had a mess with... The one that attempted to kidnap the South Korean President. So now this becomes unclear, are they now there because my organization requested your help, or because they have a grudge against you..." Ndunga said.

"But more than that... RDA should be still afraid and reluctant with CCT because they know their combat power and anything else is still under the level of CCT. But now they both come together like that. They are joining forces. But most likely, RDA begs for CCT's help. And why does CCT agree to help RDA, this is I still do not understand. Whatever it is, this is not good. I will try my best to gather my team and help you guys." Ndunga said again.

"Look... one of their boats approach us very fast!" Suddenly the Cruise Captain informed them, The Captain could see it through his radar.

Rory then zooms into that fast boat, now they can see there are only two people in that boat, the driver, and the unique person who holding a long hook stick.

"OH NO! You guys must be careful with that person, the one who holding the long stick. That person is the Best General of CCT, the number 1 right hand of the CCT's Leader. He is the most feared person in the whole of Africa. His combat skills are the best and most unpredictable, and his firearm and explosive skills are also at a high level. More than that, he had been shot, slashed, and hit by explosions several times, but look now, it's like he never experienced it all... look at the headband he is wearing, it is really the skin of the most venomous snake in Africa. He indeed loves to eat venomous snakes and drink the venom just like that, and still survive and live like that. His name is Otomanko Zeibery." Ndunga explained.

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