Own Chapter One: Deadly in Pink (Part 2)

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Flashback; Five Years Ago The Jones Trailer

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Flashback; Five Years Ago
The Jones Trailer

*One night, Jodie and Jughead were sleeping peacefully in their bed, but they were suddenly woken up by a strange loud noise*

Jughead: *sits up a little, looking at his sister as he softly whispers* What was that?

Jodie: *whispering back* I don't know. *slowly pushes back the covers, getting out of bed. She and her brother quietly go over to their bedroom door, carefully opening it a crack*

*As the Jones Twins peek their heads out, both their eyes widening in fear when they see Gladys laying on the living room floor, unconscious. They immediately move their heads back into the bedroom when two men appear in the living room, stuffing their parents' belongings into bags*

Jughead: *looks at his twin, whispering* We're getting robbed!

Jodie: *whispering back* Why would anyone want our crap?

Jughead: Jo, what should we do?

Jodie: *pauses, trying to think of something* C'mon. *grabs his hand and carefully opens the door again, peeking her head out to make sure the men were busy. She quietly goes down the hallway with her brother, quickly heading into their parents' bedroom*

Jughead: *walking into the bedroom with her, carefully shutting the door behind them* What are we doing in here? *follows her to FP's side of the bed*

Jodie: *kneeling down beside the bed* I'm getting the shotgun. *reaches her arm underneath the bed*

Jughead: *eyes widen, harshly whispering* For what!? *kneels down beside her*

Jodie: *pulling out the shotgun case* I'm gonna scare the hell out of Marve and Harry. *begins putting in the security combination*

Jughead: Should we get Jellybean?

Jodie: Mom gave her cold medicine before bed. *hears the case unlock* She's not waking up anytime soon. *opens it and takes out the shotgun, making sure it's loaded*

Jughead: *becomes nervous when he hears footsteps coming down the hallway* J-Jo, h-hurry up.

Jodie: I'm hurrying.

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