Chapter Four: The Last Picture Show (Part 3)

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The Swim Meet(Later that Day)

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The Swim Meet
(Later that Day)

Finally, school was over and swim meet was getting ready to start. And the rumors were true. Ronda the Water Reaper was here and looking like she was ready to eat us Otters, but that ain't happening. While Coach Bobby and Coach Greenberg were trying to outdo each other with their old man version of trash-talk, I smiled when I saw my family, friends, Tammy's moms, Betty's parents, Hermione, and Pop sitting on the bleachers. Archie and his dad weren't there, even though I asked them to. From what Jughead told me, Archie convinced his dad to go to Ms. Grundy's music recital in the park instead. Barf. A couple minutes later, all the Vixens came into the natatorium, carrying their pom poms and smiling.

Souphead: *grins, sitting beside Jughead* Bring on the cheerleaders. *chuckles*

FP: *notices Natalie waving at Tammy, who waves back. He looks at her* Is that your daughter?

Natalie: *smiles softly, nodding* Yes, that's our daughter. *motions at herself and Erin*

FP: *eyes widen a little, shocked* You and her...?

Erin: *nods* Yeah, we're that lesbian couple everyone keeps talking about. I take it you didn't get the memo from all the heterosexuals in this town to join the "welcome committee" and gossip about us afterwards? *asks sarcastically, grinning a little*

Natalie: Erin.

FP: I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it how it sounded.

Natalie: It's okay. So, is your daughter on the swimming team?

FP: *chuckles a little* Yeah. Actually, she's your daughter's girlfriend.

Erin: You're Jodie's dad?

FP: *holds out his hand* FP.

Erin: *shakes his hand* Erin. *motions at Natalie* And this is my wife; Natalie.

FP: *smiling softly, pulling his hand away* Nice to meet you.

Toni: *walking into the natatorium, smiling when she sees Jodie. She goes over to her* Hey, sorry I'm late.

Jodie: *smiling softly* Actually, you got here just in time. We're about to start.

Toni: Well, you're gonna kill it, Care Bear.

Jodie: Thanks, Toni. *watches her head over to the bleachers, sitting down beside Lucas*

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