Introduction (2)

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•Full Name: Lucas Hunters•Nicknames/Aliases: "Luke" (by everyone), "My Boy", Bro", and "Dude" (by Vance), "Hobbit" (by Cheryl), "Sweetheart" and "Handsome" (by Tammy), and "Daddy" (by Zoey, Juggie, and Jojo) •Portrayed by: Aria Shahghasemi •Born: ...

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•Full Name: Lucas Hunters
•Nicknames/Aliases: "Luke" (by everyone), "My Boy", Bro", and "Dude" (by Vance), "Hobbit" (by Cheryl), "Sweetheart" and "Handsome" (by Tammy), and "Daddy" (by Zoey, Juggie, and Jojo)
•Portrayed by: Aria Shahghasemi
•Born: Spring 2001
•Age(s): 16-
•Status: Alive
-Dragon (currently)
-Human (originally, with an untriggered dragon bloodline)
•First Appearance: "Chapter One: The River's Edge"
•Personality: awkward, sweet, quiet, kind, empathetic, loving, dorky, caring, loyal, intelligent, witty, sarcastic, sassy, funny, and brutally honest
•Physical Appearance: 5.8', short curly black hair, fair skin, athletic build, and serpent tattoo on his left shoulder (dragon form: dark blue scales and gold eyes)
-Jacob Lang (biological father; deceased)
-Unnamed Biological Mother (deceased)
-Frank Hunters (adoptive father) (portrayed by: Christopher Meloni)
-Carrie Hunters (adoptive mother) (portrayed by: Lauren Graham)
-Vance Hunters (adoptive brother) (portrayed by: Chris Lee)
-Tammy Thomas (wife) (portrayed by: Sydney Sweeney)
-Zoey Hunters (daughter, with Tammy) (appears in s5)
-Forsythe "Juggie" and Joni "Jojo" Jones-Blossom (twin son and daughter, with Jodie)
-Cherry Jones-Blossom (daughter, with Cheryl) (born in s5)
-Part Time Waiter (formerly)
-High School Student (graduated)
-Gang Member
-College Student (graduated)
-Bartender (currently)
-Riverdale High School (formerly)
-Southside Serpents
-Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe (formerly)
-Sword and Serpents (formerly)
-NYU (formerly)
-Whyte Wyrm
•Best Friends: Jodie, Vance, Tammy, Jughead, Betty, Cheryl, Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Souphead, and Pop
•Friends: Archie, CJ, Watson Triplets, Veronica, Tabitha, Kevin, Fred, Polly, and Mary
•Enemies: The Black Hood/Hal, Alice, Hiram, Hermione, Tall Boy, Penny, Percival, Penelope, Clifford, Dana, Hermosa, TBK, Moose, Reggie, Chuck, Charles, The Ghoulies, Chic, and The Farm
•Love Interest(s):
-Betty Cooper (crush: s1-s2)
-Tammy Thomas (girlfriend: s2-s5 and wife: s5- )

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