Chapter Three: Body Double (Part 4)

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Flashback: Eight Years Ago The Jones Trailer

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Flashback: Eight Years Ago
The Jones Trailer

Late one night in the southside, FP was sitting in his recliner chair, drinking a beer and watching "Charade" on tv. While he was watching, he didn't hear seven year old Jodie walking out of her and Jughead's bedroom, looking wide awake. She didn't say anything as she crawled up into her dad's lap, turning to watch the movie.

FP: *staring at the screen, reaching up and stroking his daughter's hair* Aren't you supposed to be asleep?

Jodie: *watching the movie, laying against his chest* I wasn't sleepy.

FP: You got school tomorrow, so you better start counting sheep. *takes a sip of beer*

Jodie: But Daddy, I love this movie. *looks up at him* Can't I watch for a little while?

FP: *looks down at her, sighing softly* Alright. But if your mom comes out here, you had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. Got it?

Jodie: *nods* Got it. *looks back at the screen, watching Audrey Hepburn* She's very pretty.

FP: *chuckles a little, wrapping his arm around her* Not as pretty as you, Honey.

Jodie: *smiles* Thank you, Daddy.

Pretty soon, Jodie falls asleep in her dad's arms. FP gets up and carries his daughter to her bedroom, carefully laying her down beside his son. After covering her up, he leans down and kisses her forehead, leaving the bedroom a couple minutes later.


Riverdale High School (A Couple Hours Later)

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Riverdale High School
(A Couple Hours Later)

It was lunchtime and boy, has today been weird. Ever since what happened in the locker room, some of the Bulldogs have been opening doors for me and stepping aside to let me go first. One guy even let me cut in front of him in the cafeteria. It's like my dad turned them into gentlemen, or they were just sucking up to make sure I didn't have anything bad to say to my dad. Thankfully, Archie's doing as he promised and has stayed beside me for most of the morning.

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