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Anastasia and Azrael had finally adjusted to their new surroundings. Azura had made a few friends, while Anastasia was more focused on training her abilities and making allies. The twins had grown up in a world where trust was a luxury, and they had both learned to rely on each other for protection and solace.

It was getting closer to seven in the morning. That's when the campers woke up from their everlasting slumber, but that's when she went to sleep. Chiron tried to change it, but when he saw her down in the dumps with dark circles that could rival the goddess of death, he left it alone. Anastasia already ate her dinner… well, breakfast, and she was getting one last workout before subcomming to sleep. “Come on, Ana, you'll love them.” She rolls her eyes in annoyance at her brother's persistence to meet his friends. “No.” She strikes the dummy hard, then stabs at it as her brother keeps on trying to persuade her, wincing at how hard she is beating the prosthetic. “Why not? All you do is train, you need to take a break. Don't you want to hang out with your favorite brother anymore?” Azrael tried to give his best pout, but it was futile. “Favorite brother? I don't know. Elijah was pretty high up there.” Anastasia raises her eyebrow, rubbing her chin in thought. Azrael gasps, shoving her shoulder, feigning hurt.

“Fine, I'll tell you who my favorite sibling is, if you tell me who your favorite is.” Azrael tilts his head up all high and mighty. “I don't have favorites.” Anastasia smirks at him, mocking his response back to him. “All come on.” Anastasia breaths in a sigh in relief at being able to change the subject, albeit even for a little bit. She takes this time to look over her twin's figure, still feeling guilty about putting him in a dangerous situation. Anastasia guessed Azrael felt her worried gaze because the next thing she knew, her hair was being ruffled into a mess. “Hey!” Her brother laughed joyfully at her disheveled appearance. Anastasia pushes his shoulder.

Anastasia sees two kids walk over to them in her parental vision. They were around the same age as the twins, maybe a little bit older. These must be Azrael's newfound friends, but before Anastasia could book it, she runs into an obstacle, literally. The dummy she took her annoyance on decided to take revenge on the beating she gave them. ‘Puta.’

She rubs her forehead, trying to get rid of some of the pain she can hear some surrounding kids giggling at her. Anastasia's striking obsidian eyes glare at the surrounding kids, most of them quite down, besides the older kids. Anastasia's back became rigid with anticipation as Azral's friends came closer, but to the outside, it seemed like she was getting ready for a confrontation, but inside, she was panicking with nervousness. ‘why me? I just want to sleep.’ She glances widely looking for an escape.

“Sup fresh meat.” A guy with a devious grin who seemed to be a year or so older with ruggedly sharp features with a mischief twinkle in his eyes said tossing a loose arm around the twins' shoulders. A child of Hermes Anastasia assumes because no child will be as comfortable and careless as he is, besides a child of apollo. A bigger kid with soft eyes and a gentle smile stands in front of us, pats Anastasia on the back warmly. This one is harder to determine, maybe hephaestus. “Don't mind, Robert, he's special. I'm Alastair, you must be Azrael's baby sister, Anastasia. It's nice to meet you.” He warmly brings Anastasia a bear hug, ignoring Robert's offended gasp at being called special, and she wiggles out of his hug. He reminds her of her step-father Michael, who their half brother was named after. “Yeah. Yeah, let's get to the fun stuff. Spar with me. Azrael says you're better than him.” Robert gets in between the two pushing them apart but immediately receives a swift smack over the head by Alastair.

A twinkle of amusement sparks in Anastasia's eyes. Azrael watches with a happy smile at the bickering that takes place. “Oi lad! I challenge you to a duel.” Robert mocks a British man and smacks Alastair with an imaginary glove. Alastair played along and pretended to get smacked. “You buffoon! Don't you know who I am!?” Alastair copies the same British accent, and they begin to duel with imaginary fencing swords. “You're right, I do love them.” Anastasia glances at her brother with an affectionate grin, Azrael has been awfully quiet. Anastasia claps for Alastair as he holds Robert's 'defeated’ body over his head.

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