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"When I was a kid, my mother would tell me these crazy stories about Gods and Titans and how they once ruled the world. I thought it was all a joke, a story to scare kids to do the right thing, but now I regret not taking her seriously." A black-haired girl with glowing violet eyes says while twirling a double-edged sword. "My name is Anastasia Valeria, and this is my story."


A tan woman with dark brown eyes was almost as dark as coal. People have mistaken them for being black at times, and since her eyes were so dark, people thought she was some kind of Satanist because of it so they avoided her and her children but they didn't care. She stands outside, feeling the wind ruffle through her hair, showing a sign that rain is coming. She walked to her little home outside of Houston, TX, where she had lived alone with her children ever since her ex-husband had died in the war. They were lucky enough to keep the farm to them without anyone trying to take it for themselves.

To the far left of the house there's a growing wheat field that's been freshly cut for the summer and to the far right a luscious corn farm grows as tall as their home and if you're not careful enough you'll get lost their for days until someone finds you.

"Mama! Mama!" A little girl says in excitement while running to her mother. And the closer she gets to her, the faster she runs until she is within her mother's reach. She jumps and crashes into her mother's waiting embrace. The women shuffle the little girl in her arms into a more comfortable position. "You're finally home!" The little girl says with a radiant smile, showing her dimples that could light the whole earth she snuggles into the crook of her mother's neck. "I've only been gone for an hour, Mama." The woman says to her and rubs a calming circle on her back. "That's toooo long." The woman laughs at her daughter's clinginess and exaggeration of the word too.

"Where are your siblings, Ana?" Her mother asked, rubbing her daughters back smoothly, causing a yaw to fall from the little girl's lips. "They're playing in the outfield in the back." The little girl points to the back door gesturing, they're out there. "Why aren't you out there playing with them?" "I was waiting for you to come back home." She gives her daughter a look that says, 'You're telling the truth but not the whole truth and you're going to young lady or else.' It's not going to take a long time before the little girl breaks. She just got a new book by Charles Dickens for her upcoming birthday with her twin brother that she gave her a little early while her brother wanted new shoes and clothes. She knew the little girl was getting tired of reading the same old material. She taps her little fingers on her mother's shoulder, a nervous habit she picked up from her. "I also wanted to read my new book, you got me." She avoided eye contact thinking she did something wrong. "That's okay, but you also have to go outside every once in a while, okay? -Okay." She fiddles with her mother's jet-black hair on her neck, tickling her on accident, receiving small giggles from her mother she gives her mother a shy nod. "Now let's go stop Micheal from tricking your sister."

She kisses her daughter's head and moves to the backdoor. The closer they got, the louder they could hear laughter and giggling. She opens the door to see her children running around with sticks and rocks. A boy with the same jet black hair as his mother and but he has gray eyes, that he shares with his father, he runs around picking up small pebbles that he knows won't hurt and hands them to the little girl that he's carrying on his back. She shoots left and right at the two other boys who follow closely behind them. She misses most of her shots, but that does not dwindle the little girl spirit. They two boy also have the same black hair and brown eyes. The boy on the left had curly long black hair and dark brown eyes. He was skinny but not unhealthy skinny. He was running around trying not to get hit, and the other boy running around had smooth slick black hair with brown eyes. He was a little more on the chubby side, but he could run if he needed to. He had two long sticks, spinning them around, trying to block the flying pebbles, but they just bounced off of him. But when he realized it was doing nothing, he tried to take cover from the raining pebbles, but there was nowhere to hide. The little boy runs in front of him with pebbles flying behind him. "AHHHH, THIS IS YOUR FAULT MICHAEL!"  The little girl was laughing, and the boy holding her was smiling so wide it could cure sickness. "We surrender!! We surrender!" The boy with honey eyes pretended he was waving a white flag showing that they give up.

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