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A piercing light seeps through the drapes and into someone's eye, causing them to groan in discomfort as they bury their head further into the comforters, but without preval, it does nothing but make her body burn. They try tossing the blanket away and out of the oven that forms around their cocoon covered body, but a striking pain shoots through her body, and a cold chill strikes over the once hot body A fever took over her body, making her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Once the person got out of the mountain of blankets, it showed a soon to be seven year old girl in bandages.

Cold obsidian eyes dart around the room in a panic pulse through her veins, but it doesn't show on her face. She quickly realizes that she was tied up, and she could barely wiggle her head around with the strap that wraps around her forehead. She looked through the corner of her eyes enough to see the surroundings, but she instantly cooled down when she saw the limp figure of her brother on the opposite bed beside her but started to panic when she saw him covered in bandages. His ribs were bandaged, and his left leg was elevated by a red cloth that hung from the ceiling. Black and purple bruises peek out from behind the bandages. Guilt takes over her heart. She forced herself to watch his shallow breath, soaking up all the worry and guilt.

'Oh, what have I done?' Anastasia tries to reach out her hand to grasp on to his but only met resistance from the leather binding keeping her place. She begins fiercely pulling on the leather binding, causing angry red marks to appear, but her attempts are worthless. She suddenly remembered her ring, but when she used her thumb to overlap the silver ring, there was nothing there besides skin. She lets out a frustrated sigh and begins thrashing widely.

Anastasia takes a deep breath and exhales once she realizes her attempt is futile. A light bulb goes off through her head like a bell. 'I'm an idiot, I have magic.' Before, Anastasia can use her magic, a man's wheels in the room, causing her to gain a confused look. 'What the hell?' Anastasia takes quick glances at her unconscious twin, making a small battle plan in her head to get her and her brother out of there if needed. A shadow dawns over her, but before she can think or speak, she is struck in the temple.


Waking up in the morning was never a bother before, that was until recently. A bright light shines through the curtains and shines in her eyes as a rude awakening. A painful throb starts hammering its way into her head, causing a wave of dizziness to clash into her like a tidal wave when she begins to try to sit up again only to be restrained by the binds. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Someone said to the right of her. She turns her head, finding no resistance from the forehead binding her to the bed to the wheelchair man from earlier. He was a middle-aged man in a suit with a blanket tossed over his lap.

Her eyes haven't truly focused yet, so everything is still blurry for her. She takes a moment to focus on one thing before she begins observing him again. He has thinning brown hair with bushy eyebrows, intense brown eyes, and a scruffy beard. He's also holding some type of cup filled with what looks like it could be apple juice.

"What do you want?" Her voice comes out hoarsely from barely talking over the year, only talking to her brother on accession when they're both awake.

Instead of talking back or saying a snide remark, he gives her a warm, welcoming smile. "Here, drink this. It'll help with the headache." He holds out a cup that looks like liquid gold. She looks at the outreached hand with suspension. "It's not poison, I promise." She doesn't make a move to show acceptance of the drink. "Sorry if I seem hesitant, but when somebody struck me in the temple, it made me cautious." He seems kind, but you can never trust a book by its cover. "Here, then let me bridge the gap that is your trust." He tilts the cup towards him and takes the sip, and once nothing happens, he gives Anastasia a loopy smile. He's tied her up and knocks her out, but for now, she'll trust him. And it'll be smart to regain what little energy she has in case she needs to fight.

The one who's fallen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora