Ron: the two cats and his young master

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Ron carefully presented a splendid china teacup, its delicate porcelain adorned with intricate patterns, showcasing the fine craftsmanship that went into its creation. The cup skillfully cradled in his hands, was a vessel of elegance, its edges adorned with a subtle gold trim that caught the ambient light, adding a touch of luxury to the simple act of serving tea.

Within the cup, a fragrant infusion of lemon tea danced gracefully, its aroma wafting through the air, an invitation to a sensory journey. The tea, a symphony of flavors, embraced the palate with the gentle tang of lemon, creating a harmonious balance that was both refreshing and comforting. The liquid within the cup shimmered, a golden hue reminiscent of sunlight filtering through a canopy of leaves, casting a warm glow that mirrored the serene atmosphere surrounding Ron and his young master.

As Ron offered the tea to his master, the steam rising from the cup carried whispers of tranquility, weaving a delicate spell that seemed to embrace the room. The teacup, cradled in the hands of the butler, became a conduit for a moment of respite, a pause in the bustling currents of life.

In the subdued light of the room, the teacup became a vessel not only for the aromatic elixir it held but also for the unspoken moments shared between master and servant. The clink of porcelain, the subtle swirl of steam, and the gentle sip – each action contributing to a ritual that transcended its simple appearance.

In this oasis of calm, Ron observed the changes in his young master. The tea seemed to work its magic, casting a spell that melted away the edges of anger and inebriation. As Ron pondered the mysteries surrounding his master's newfound demeanor, the tea cup stood as a testament to the transformative power of a moment, a sip, and the delicate dance of flavors that held the potential to mend the rifts within.

Ron gracefully opened the door, ushering in a burst of vitality embodied by a red cat and a silver cat. Following closely behind, with a disheveled appearance, was his young master. The tousled red hair and the slightly askew tie hinted at a morning that had not been approached with meticulous care.

"Good morning, young master Cale. How has your sleep been?" Ron inquired, his voice carrying a calm and attentive tone as he closed the door behind them.

"It's fine, it's fine..." Cale replied nonchalantly, reaching for the waiting tea cup. The two feline companions, though outwardly resembling ordinary cats, exuded an otherworldly air, unmistakably emanating the distinctive scent of the Fog Cat Tribe. Ron couldn't forget the peculiar incident when these cats transformed into children after discovering Cale unconscious near the enigmatic tree that had inexplicably turned white.

The feline duo meowed playfully, circling Cale. Their behavior betrayed their true nature, a testament to the magical bond shared between the Fog Cat Tribe and the young master. Ron observed this with a knowing glance, aware that his young master was never truly alone.

A sudden realization struck Ron, prompting him to remember a task that required his attention. He needed to send a letter back to the manor, updating Master Deruth on his son's newfound companionship. Mentally composing the letter, Ron formulated his thoughts:

"Dear Master Deruth,

Your son has made many friends, two of whom are cats, and another is a sturdy black-haired youngster who seems to handle him like a ragdoll. I was on the verge of concern that the young master might remain isolated, but it appears I stand corrected. It's not so much that he actively made friends, but rather they were there for him, and now they faithfully follow him. It's quite endearing.

Your faithful servant,


With the letter's contents solidified in his mind, Ron pondered the curious dynamics of Cale's newfound companionship, a source of both reassurance and amusement in the intricate tapestry of his young master's life.

Ron turned his attention to the cats, observing their playful antics as they sought more attention from Cale. A subtle smile played on Ron's lips as he contemplated the potential within these seemingly ordinary feline companions. They were not merely cats; they possessed qualities that hinted at a latent potential for training, perhaps even as skilled assassins. The thought stirred a nostalgic yearning in Ron, reminding him of the days when he honed the skills of deadly operatives.

Recollections of the day he first encountered the two children, now in the form of the silver and red cats, crossed Ron's mind.


A Couple of Days Ago


Ron had anticipated finding two cats by his young master's hospital bed, but to his surprise, he discovered two children instead—one silver-haired and the other with fiery red hair. Dismissing the initial confusion, Ron approached, bearing a tray with lemon tea and sandwiches.

"Well, let me guess, you are the cats," Ron remarked with a knowing smile.

"Yes-yes... Cale said we can stay," replied the silver-haired child, introducing herself as On.

"It's nice to meet you," Ron replied, extending a sandwich to On, who eagerly took a hearty bite.


Reflecting on those initial interactions, Ron felt a sense of reassurance. His young master was not alone; he had found companions who would stand by him. The cats, or rather, the children from the Fog Cat Tribe, seemed to provide a unique form of solace and healing for Cale, filling a void left by his mother's departure. As Cale affectionately petted the cats, Ron dismissed any lingering concerns, content in the knowledge that his young master had found a comforting presence in his newfound friends.

Ron, ever the vigilant servant, couldn't help but entertain the pragmatic notion that the feline companions, despite their current friendly demeanor, might one day reveal a less benevolent side. The fleeting thought of the ease with which they could be neutralized crossed his mind. His experience in training assassins and dealing with potential threats had instilled in him a mindset that was prepared for any eventuality.

While he cherished the current camaraderie between Cale and the Fog Cat Tribe members, Ron remained cautious. The whims of allegiances could change, and the line between friend and foe could blur. It was a sentiment deeply rooted in his training and the unpredictability of the world he navigated.

However, Ron chose not to dwell on the hypothetical scenario for now. Instead, he continued to observe the interactions between Cale and his unusual companions, maintaining a watchful eye on the dynamics that unfolded within the sanctuary of his young master's realm. The cats, for the moment, remained friends, but Ron's discerning gaze never wavered, a silent guardian ready to act should the need arise. 


Sorry for the short chapter and lack of updates. I hope you like still :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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