Simple life and Threads of Memory

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Roan Academy - Cale Dorm


As Cale sat by the window, the soft morning light bathed the room, casting a warm glow on everything it touched. He watched as his two feline companions stirred in their sleep, their tails occasionally twitching as they navigated dreamland. The sight brought a smile to his face, and for a moment, he forgot about the weight of his responsibilities and that he was not supposed to be here.

Cale let out a tired sigh, feeling the weight of the morning settle upon him. He stood up from his cozy spot by the window and stretched, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. A glance at the clock on the wall reminded him of the impending need to prepare for his classes. With a sense of duty, he headed over to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead.

As he washed his face and brushed his teeth, his mind started to drift back to the events of the previous day. The unsettling dreams still lingered, but he chose not to dwell on them for now. Today was a new day, and he needed to stay focused on the present.

As Cale got dressed, he realized that he was feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, he felt the pressure of responsibilities weighing on him. On the other hand, he drew strength from the small joys he found in his daily routine, like the comforting presence of his feline companions.

As Cale emerged from the bathroom, he was greeted by his two feline companions, wide awake and eager for his company. They welcomed him with their customary morning enthusiasm, rubbing against his legs and emitting soft meows, craving attention and affection. Cale scooped them both up in his arms and made his way to his desk. There, he gently placed On on the surface and then turned his attention to brushing Hong's fur, showering them both with love and care. They are his babies.

The intercom crackled to life, its soft and cheerful jingle breaking the once quiet room. "Good morning, everyone! Today is April 3, Year 781 of the Felix Calendar. I hope you all had a restful night's sleep, as in three weeks, a big event is going to happen. For the first time, you will have your flying lesson..."

Cale let out a sigh as he tuned out the announcement. His well-honed Record ability to retain information allowed him to pick up on the details without paying full attention. He moved over to brush On's fur, focusing on the comforting rhythm of the task.

"And on April 29, at the Plaza, will be held..."

Cale's mind drifted once more as the crucial information passed him by. It concerned the Plaza Terror Incident, scheduled to take place on April 29. During the royal festival celebrating King Zed Crossman's 50th birthday, a group of black-cloaked mages would attempt to set off four magic bombs throughout the capital, including within the plaza.

With a final stroke of the brush, Cale beamed at his feline companions. "And done. You guys look wonderful," he said with satisfaction, admiring how On and Hong's fur now gleamed with cleanliness and luster. The soft purring from the two felines filled the room, a sign of their contentment and appreciation for the grooming session. Cale gently scooped them both up, giving them affectionate pets and cuddles, pleased to see his efforts rewarded with their happiness.

"I want meat!" Hong exclaimed, leaping down from the desk with excitement. He gazed up at Cale with eager eyes and added, "I also want a cake as tall as me!"

Cale couldn't contain his laughter at Hong's enthusiasm. "You'll get your meat, my little buddy," he replied, playfully tousling the feline's fur. "But as for the cake, that might be a bit too much sugar for you right now. Let's save it for a special occasion. We wouldn't want you to have rotten teeth, would we?"

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