Secrets Unveiled and the start of the Indestructible Shield side quest.

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Life couldn't seem to get any worse for Cale as he reluctantly attempted to force down the bitter lemon tea that had been poured for him by an enigmatic assassin butler. The butler, with his piercing gaze and an unsettlingly inscrutable smile, loomed over Cale as they sat together in the spacious and dimly lit room. It was as if life had thrown him into the midst of a suspenseful drama.

The events of the previous day had left Cale feeling bewildered and vulnerable. The abrupt coughing fit and fainting spell during his encounter with Choi Han had led to a series of misunderstandings and rumors circulating among the student body. His reputation, already tarnished, had taken another hit, and now he found himself in the peculiar company of an assassin butler, of all things.

Cale's discomfort was palpable as he sipped the acrid tea, all the while aware of the watchful eyes fixed upon him. He couldn't shake the feeling that life in this otome game world was proving to be more complicated and perilous than he had ever anticipated.

"Ah, young master, it is only the first day of school, and you are already passing out. Your father fears that you may have your mother's illness," Ron remarked, his tone bearing an air of concern as he carefully poured more lemon tea into Cale's cup, his lips curving in a practiced smile.

Cale glanced at Ron with a mixture of annoyance and indifference. "Why should I care for what he thinks? After all, I am fine now. It could have just been the air," he responded tersely, unwilling to admit any vulnerability, even to the ever-watchful butler.

Despite his determination to be a slacker and maintain the somewhat strained relationship with his father, Cale couldn't entirely dismiss the concern. Deep down, he held a complex mixture of emotions for the man, including a sense of love and obligation that he was reluctant to acknowledge openly.

Ron's smile widened further, revealing a disturbing mix of amusement and malice in his eyes. "Of course, young master. You are capable in your own way," he replied cryptically, pouring more of the pungent lemon tea into Cale's cup. The liquid swirled around, its bitter aroma becoming increasingly nauseating to Cale.

Cale took another sip, his face twisting with distaste. Deep down, he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something might indeed be seriously wrong with his health. The thought sent shivers down his spine, but he was determined not to let any hint of vulnerability show.

As he continued to sip the acrid tea, Cale's mind raced, searching for a way to turn the tables on Ron and uncover the truth behind the butler's sudden presence. Ron had never shown much concern for Cale in the past, making it all the more peculiar that he was now hovering so closely. Cale couldn't help but wonder why Ron hadn't left after enduring so much mistreatment from him. It left a bitter feeling in his heart, a sadness that he couldn't easily ignore. He was determined to find out what had driven Ron to stay by his side, even in the face of his own callousness.

Despite his desire to be a slacker, Cale found himself trapped, enduring the bitter lemon tea and the watchful gaze of his assassin butler. Determination smoldered within him, igniting his desire to unearth the truth and regain control over his life, no matter how daunting the circumstances appeared. He glanced down at his ring finger, where a ring now adorned his hand—a reward bestowed upon him by the system for completing the side quest of starting a misunderstanding. Cale could only hope that this newfound possession wouldn't come back to haunt him in the future.

The ring on Cale's finger possessed a subtle yet captivating charm. Crafted from polished silver, its surface gleamed softly, reflecting the ambient light with a discreet sheen. Its design was intricate, consisting of interweaving patterns that formed an elaborate emblem.

Nestled at the emblem's heart was a small, luminous gemstone, casting a gentle, ethereal glow. The gemstone bore a deep, captivating blue hue, reminiscent of a midnight sky adorned with twinkling stars. It exuded an enchanting allure, capturing the beholder's attention.

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