The system and the first day of school.

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Kim Rok Soo, or rather, Cale, eyed the glowing screen cautiously as a start screen materialized before him. His experience with manga and other forms of media had prepared him for the possibility of such a scenario. With a resigned sigh, he reached out and clicked on the start button. He was determined not to let this game interfere with his slacker life.


[Loading complete]

[Good morning, Cale, or should I say Kim Rok Soo?]

Cale simply sighed and replied, "Just call me Cale. After all, I'm inhabiting his body."

[Alright. Changing the username to Cale. Would you like to choose your welcome gift, or do you prefer to learn about your task?]

"I'll deal with the gift later; for now, just tell me what I need to do," Cale said, dismissing the gift pop-up with a click.

Cale leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of resignation wash over him as he read the main


[Loading Goal]

[Goal loaded]

[Your current and main task is to improve your relationship with the main character.]

[Do you accept?]

"Well, there goes my 'stay out of everything' plan," Cale muttered under his breath, his desire for a slacker life seemingly slipping away. He glanced at the side task tab, considering his options, but it seemed he had to start the main quest before delving into any side tasks.

He sighed once more and clicked to accept the main task.

[Main task is accepted]

[Start tutorial]

The system proceeded to guide Cale through his profile, detailing his skills that could be upgraded and his current health, which was unfortunately under some sort of curse—not exactly ideal.

Then came the shop, where he could find various items, though the most enticing ones were locked behind quest completion or required a substantial amount of Rp (reputation points) or MP (points earned from saving people). Cale couldn't help but shake his head at the complexity of this world he'd been thrust into.

After the tutorial, the system disappeared, leaving Cale with a sense of boredom and calculation. He yearned for a slacker life, not these tasks and responsibilities. Sighing again, he turned his attention to the student calendar. With a glance at the new calendar and textbooks and his last memory of traveling to the academy, he deduced that today was the 29th of March in Year 781 of the Felix Calendar.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the thought of what lay ahead, but it seemed he had no choice but to navigate this otome game world as Cale Henituse.

As Cale considered the date, he realized that today marked the beginning of the school year, and it would be approximately three more months before the main character made her appearance. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief; this timeline should provide him with ample time to achieve his goals and adapt to this strange new world.

His desire for a slacker life remained strong, but he knew that he had to make the best of his circumstances. With a bored and calculated demeanor, he decided to prioritize certain tasks.

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