Untitled Part 1

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                                                                                       Rip and Mary    

                                                                                        15 and rising

"Four days to go and still no invite" said Marylou, staring at her not really interested friend Jose. This will be the party of the year, we have got to be there" "You have been banging on about  this dammed party for the past few months" said Jose, "It is for Junior girls in the "It Club"  and invited Senior boys, none of which incudes us. Lets face it Marylou we are just not cool. No one knows we exists apart from our Parents and your dog Barnaby" Marylou scanned the local scenery. Two benches away sat Lily Wanamaker who was holding the party, flanked by her "It Girls" all dressed in their designer clothes and carrying their overly expensive school bags. Marylou felt sick. Around 50 yards to the right 8 or 10 Senior boys were strutting their stuff on the Basketball Court. "Who is the one stripped to the waist? she asked her friend, not really knowing why she made the enquiry. "I have no idea" answered Jose, " but he does look kinda cute" "Lets go over and watch" said Marylou, "We can but dream" Standing by the fence in full view of the giggling IT girls Marylou suddenly burst into a strange laughing fit. "Isn't Rip wonderful" she said, waving like mad at the half naked one. "He is pretending not to know me, obviously embarrassed because he is with his friends. Hay Rip" she shouted, come on over? "You don't know that guy" said Jose, "What the hell are you doing? "They don't know that" answered Marylou, "But you can see I have attracted their attention" "Are you shouting at me? asked the half naked one, walking to the gate. "Are you ok? he asked walking through the gate and approaching the two girls. "This is embarrassing" said Marylou, "But I need you to do me a favour, and for five minutes work I will pay you $20" "I don't need your $20" replied the half naked one, "But if you are in trouble then I will help" "Well the thing is "Rip". You don't mind if I call you "Rip" do you? asked Marylou. "My name is Brian" replied the half naked one, "What's with "Rip" "It just sounds more sexy on account of your Abs" answered Marylou. "Brian is, well just Brian" "What" said the half naked one. "This is crazy" "Not so crazy" said Marylou, "When I tell you that sitting on that bench over there is Lily Wanamaker the most popular girl in school, maybe even New Jersey. It just so happens that she is having a party this coming Saturday and myself and my best friend Jose here would like to attend, and the one cast-iron way of getting you noticed is having a cool boyfriend, AKA you "Rip" now this will be easy, we will walk hand in hand over towards their bench. We will mime words and giggle a lot making like we actually like one another, after that we will improvise depending on their response. Are you with me "Rip"? "You are crazy" said the half naked one, "I am already going to the party, so why would I bother about you? "Because I am having your baby" answered Marylou. "I will tell everyone that we are expecting a child, if you refuse to walk over there with me" "Too far Marylou" said Jose, trying to pull her away. "You are going too far" "It's a simple request "Rip" said Marylou "Yes or no? The naked one fell silent for a few minutes trying to take it all in. "No one will ever believe you" he said, "You are a Junior, what I guess fifteen, while I am a seventeen year old Senior and about to leave for College. But I will do it and I want my $20" "I don't have it on me" said Marylou, "But if you call round to my house at 9am tonight I will have your money, but only if myself and Jose receive an invitation" They clasped hands and began walking towards the IT girls closely watched by his now very confused Basketball buddies. They swung their arms, smiled and made silly gestures to one another, but nothing they did seemed to attract the attention of Lily Wanamaker. "Kiss me "Rip" said Marylou, turning to face him. "No I will not" replied the half naked one. "Then at least give me a hug" whispered Marylou. "Ok, just a hug, no more" he answered. As they hugged the IT Girls were now interested, Marylou suddenly pushed "Rip's" hand down onto her bum cheek, and just as quickly pushed him away and giving him a light slap on his own cheek, saying. "Don't be silly "Rip" what about the baby? The half naked one developed an instant coughing fit and stepped away, "What the feck are you talking about you crazy woman" he said very quietly. "Oh "Rip" what are you like" she answered, "I am only two months gone, they can't tell us the sex just yet" The half Naked one grabbed hold of her hand and walked quickly towards the Basketball court. "Stay away from me you weirdo" he said as he walked through the gate. "Bye "Rip" shouted Marylou, "See you around nine tonight" It was Tuesday and the last lesson of the day was History. As Marylou made to take her seat a card was lying on her desk. "Miss Lilly Wanamaker requests the presence of the girl who sits at this desk at her party this coming Saturday" "Christ" said Marylou, "She doesn't even know my name, but boom, job done" 8-45 pm there is a knock at the door, the half naked one had arrived. "Hi "Rip" said Marylou leaning in for a kiss or a hug. "I haven't got your cash yet, I couldn't find my dads wallet" "My name is Brian, you moron" he said, "I don't want to talk to you, I am here to see your father" He pushed his way past Marylou and entered the living-room to a scene far more bizarre than the fiasco at the Basket ball court. Marylou's father was wearing a yellow and blue checked shirt, a green bow tie, cream slacks, brown slip on shoes all topped off with a white stetson hat. Her mother wore a long pleated skirt to around eight inches from her ankles, bobby socks and a baggy frilly blouse. "Well howdy young man, you must be "Rip" he said in a Southern accent although they were in New York. "Come in and sit a spell. My little sweetie pie has told Big Mamma and myself all about you" "Well Mr" said "Rip" suddenly interrupted by. "The names Beiderbecke son, Chad and Constance" said Marylou's father. "Now what can we do for you? "The thing is" "Rip" began, "Your daughter is telling everyone at school that she is pregnant with my baby" and before he could continue Chad Beiderbecke put his hand up. "Stop right there" he said, "Did you hear that Big Mumma, this young whippersnapper has knocked up our little Marylou" "I hear him Big Daddy" she replied, "Marylou" she shouted into the kitchen, "Are you with child to this young man? "I surely am Big Mamma" replied Marylou, "But we love each other dearly, and I know he will do the right thing" Big Daddy's hand was still in the air, "What is to become of us" he said, "Do yo realise that my daughter is underage and only now closing in on her sixteenth year on this earth, and do you also understand that in my roll as a Law Enforcement Officer for this here District I could have you locked up for ten years. You've been crawling all over my sweet little Marylou like some kind of Praying Mantis and now she is with child. What do you have to say for yourself? "Rip" made for the door closely followed by Marylou. "Wait, wait" she shouted. "I'm sorry for my parents behaviour, please listen to me? "Rip" stopped and turned around. "You see all three of us are the lead actors in a production of Tennessee Williams, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and we were having a dress rehearsal as you turned up. I can explain more but not just now. Can we meet tomorrow? asked Marylou. "Or maybe at the party" "I am not going to the stupid party and definitely not with you" he said, "I have changed my plans for College and leave in a few days. When I come back to New Jersey hopefully you and your weirdo family will have relocated to "who gives a dam" Wyoming" "Why are you being so cruel? asked Marylou. And just in that moment Brian saw the real Marylou and regretted the last words he had just said.

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