Untitled Part 11

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The proposal by "Rip" was a bit of a knee jerk reaction to the situation that they were in. In his mind he knew that Marylou intended going back to Los Angeles two months before she gave birth, which in fact was in three weeks time and he wanted to seal their bond with a wedding ring. As they woke up the next morning reality kicked in. In the land of the Embako there were no marriages only the word of Chief Obasi, you are his, he is yours, and he knew that Marylou would expect and to be fair, deserved more. Later that morning he sat down with Chief Obasi, he had taken his son Rak with him as an interpreter. "Rip" explained what he wanted him to do. "What is a Wedding? asked the Chief. "It is a sign of our commitment to each other for life" answered "Rip" "Why? asked the Chief. "Why indeed" thought "Rip" Life is certainly much less complicated on the Amazon. "It is a legal requirement, great Chief. "It is just one of our customs" he answered. "What is a custom? asked the Chief. "Rip" took some time to decide on the most uncomplicated answer. "In your Village" he began, "Children run and play while learning the ways of your Tribe from their parents. At a certain age the young men hunt and fish while the young women clean and cook. The next step for all of your subjects is to choose a partner and have their own children, who are then passed to the older members of your Tribe to be looked after while the younger ones resume their duties. And the cycle begins again. This is known as the customs of the Tribe, as we have similar customs in our homeland" The old Chief was confused. He remained silent for a full fifteen minutes. "Your children live in my Village, your woman is having your baby, you have hunted and your woman has cooked food. Why do you want this wedding? Rak was interpreting and could not hold in his laughter. "I think Father" he said, "This is what you call logic" "You are absolutely right Rak" said "Rip" I need to change my approach" "What do you require of me Great Chief, to grant me what I ask" said "Rip" Chief Obasi without hesitation and seeming as if he had understood all along, answered. I want your child to be born here in my Village of Alambi and that he or she be my grandchild. Grant me this and I will do as you ask. For if you leave you may never return" "Rip was completely taken aback by his request. Not that he thought it harsh, but that he was genuinely afraid of losing them to the outside world. 
Marylou was just finishing her morning school lessons with the children and most times adults too. "What did he say? she asked seeing "Rip" approaching. "He's a wily old fox" he answered, "I think I have just been conned by a man whom the outside world have only passed by" "I don't know if this sounds good or bad" said Marylou. "But it does sound intriguing, tell me more? "He obviously had been told that you were planning to have the baby in the US, and he used that against me" he began, "He said he would perform the ceremony but included a massive, only if. And that only if was if you agreed to give birth here in the Village and that he is named as the child's Grandfather" Marylou said nothing while a massive grin came over her face. "Why is that funny? he asked. "I would love to have our child here in the Village" answered Marylou. "The women of the Embako make a mockery of the hundreds of dollars charges we pay in the US. And as for the grandchild request, every person in the Village is the grandchild of the Chief, it is their culture" "So it is a yes" asked "Rip" "Absolutely" replied Marylou. "I was getting anxious about the trip home, now I can relax" In the days that followed "Rip" tried to instruct Chief Obasi rules of a white persons Wedding Ceremony, but now that he had his agreement that they would stay his interest began to wain. And just when "Rip" was considering his plan B the great Chief suffered a hear attack and with no immediate medical support available he passed away two days later. The Embako, following the burning of the body ceremony fell into a week of mourning during which they only drank fluids, no food was consumed, and as a mark of respect "Rip", Marylou and their children did the same. With Marylou highlighting the fact that the words Starving and hungry were too often used when the users had no idea the meaning of what they were saying, regarding a feeling they would never experience. 
Early on the morning of the eighth day of their fast, the family prepared to leave their Hut. As they pulled back the hessian door cover they were greeted by the whole Village sitting in a semi circle around the entrance. Mazumi, now quite fluent in English was the first to speak. "Pappa "Rip" as he called him. We have no Chief, our people need a leader" "My God" thought "Rip" are they asking me to be their Chief" and as he prepared to speak Mazumi carried on. "Rak is the nearest blood relative to Chief Obasi and therefor the new Chief of our Village" Rak was seven years old.

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