Untitled Part 2

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                                                                                  16 and rising

In the second month of being sixteen Marylou found herself quite alone. She had not had any correspondence with "Rip" which in itself was not unexpected and Jose's family had moved across Town meaning that physical meetings between them could only take place at weekends. To balance this and secure some friendships of her own age, (as at school she had very few) she had taken a waitress job at Derick's Donuts, the hangout of study groups and local weirdo's. Saturday morning at the end of her first month mega weirdo Clem Frasor was in the store. The most obnoxious, arrogant excuse for a human being she had ever met. He called her Doll and snapped his fingers on every occasion to attract service. Marylou was standing by the waitress area when she heard the clicking and the word Doll. Susan her joint waitress who had the patience of a saint and the mind set to ignore the likes of Clem Frasor, told her to be calm. "I'm going to stick him" said Marylou, "I swear I will take a fork and stick him" "Just go to the table and be calm" said Susan, "He is not worth loosing your job over" Marylou approached the alcove table where Clem and two of his weirdo friends were sitting. As he made to speak Marylou was lightly nudged out of the way by a stranger who sat down at the remaining seat at the table. "Hey" said Marylou. "It is ok my dear" said the stranger taking her hand, it was "Rip" He stared across the table for a few moments at the confused Clem Frasor. "This little lady here" he said, still holding her hand, "Is the mother of my child, baby Conor" he squeezed her hand and smiled. "Therefore if you click your fingers one more time I will break every one of them and you will not be able to fill your face with the twelve jumbo Donuts there in front of you. Furthermore if you say the word Doll and not excuse me Miss, I will staple your lips together and force feed you your bucket smoothie through a straw up your nose. Are you understanding me my friend? Clem Frasor nodded yes. "Come my love" said "Rip" this table is toxic" Over in a corner of the room he returned to being the old "Rip" "I should have known when my friends said that this place was full of the lesser educated that you would be here" "Well at least you acknowledged your son" she said without breaking stride. "Same old, same old" said "Rip" "and how was your party" "I didn't go" she answered, "The invitation was only for one, but if you had gone then Jose would have gone with you. But I can explain tonight when we go to the Movies" "I'm not taking you anywhere" said "Rip" "You owe me one" replied Marylou, "Haven't I just told you that I missed the party of the year because of you, now be a man and take me to the Movies" "Very well" said "Rip" "One time and one time only, but I am not coming to your house to be confronted by your wacky family" "That would sound like a good idea" said Marylou, "Tonight they have a dress rehearsal for Anthony and Cleopatra. I will see you at seven outside Lemi's Book Store on fifth, and don't be late" and as she walked back into Derrick's Donuts she said, "Now I have to find a baby-sitter for Conor" 
"Rip" arrived early at 6-45 all the time thinking, "What have I let myself in for" A cab pulled up at 7-05 and outstepped Marylou, and she looked amazing. As she approached him "Rip" made to speak. "Don't say a word, or you may find my hand on your cheek" she said smiling. Where are we going? he asked. "There is a new Cinema opened at the corner Buick and third" answered Marylou. "What is showing? he asked. "The remake of the Family Way" she answered. "Of course it is" he replied, "I suppose you are a typical Diet Coke and Popcorn type of girl? "Yes I am, is that a problem? asked Marylou. "Not for me" he answered, "I was just thinking of your dress" (she was wearing a full covering red dress to six inches above the knee) " not overstated" thought "Rip" "but enough to get a guy interested" "You keep you eyes off my dress and on the screen" said Marylou, "You may place your jacket on my knee if you want to treat me like a child" They sat through the two hour film with hardly a word and certainly not touching. As they left the theatre the air had chilled and "Rip" still with his jacket in his hands placed it over Marylou's shoulders, keeping his hand in place a little longer than necessary. "Sorry about that" he said, "It was a knee jerk reaction" "Maybe your knee's could jerk a little more regular" she said without turning round. "I was thinking of little Conor" said "Rip" and the fact that to have a little Conor you first have to do stuff. You do realise, don't you? Marylou paused, "Well tell me this Mr Agricultural Student" she began. "When I hear the term, Baby Carrot or Baby Cucumber. I have never heard of a Carrot jumping on top of another Carrot nor a Cucumber doing the same, and now I am recieving sex education from a Tree hugger. Oh Miss Conifer hold out your branches and hug me, you smell like Squirrel pee, and I don't wear deodorant either" "Are you saying that I smell? said "Rip "sounding vexed. Marylou turned to face him, "I would say that if your odour were on the market, it would be a Christmas best seller" she said staring into his eyes. "Ok, ok" he said " This is getting way to serious, remember there is an age difference between us" "Thirteen months and four day's" said Marylou, "I looked it up" "You're freaking me out" he said "Just tell me something about your life" All the time keeping his hand on her shoulder. "Well you know my name" she began, "I was born right here in New Jersey in the house where you met my parents. I have an older brother who is a successful Dentist in Los Angelis. He is ten years older than me. I like acting and love dressing up. My Father is indeed a Police Detective and my Mother a Junior School Teacher. I am a straight A Student in every subject and expect one day to attend Harvard to study Law. Do you want my shoe size.? "No that is quite enough" answered "Rip" "Then you can walk me home" said Marylou. "It's one and a half miles" said "Rip" "No problem" she replied, "And when we get there you can say hello to your son" "Weirdo" said "Rip" under his breath.

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