Untitled Part 5

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Marylou had the card but did not make the phone call. Instead she waited for her friends wedding day and the look of surprise on "Rip's" face when he realised that she was chief Bridesmaid. Saturday 2pm at the Holy Order Catholic Church in East Los Angeles. "Rip" and Devon the Groom stood side by side facing the Alter as the entry music for the Bride began to play. The shuffling from the congregation let them know exactly where the Bride and her party were and when they realised that she was halfway down the isle they both turned around. Devon smiling at his beautiful bride to be and "Rip" gobsmacked by the sight of Marylou walking behind the brides father and completely ignoring his stare. With a glint in his eye he knew that he had been out manoeuvred by this self-confessed weirdo from his past, and the reception could not come quickly enough for an explanation. Wedding over, the party moved on to their favourite haunt "Bar One" As the drinks flowed "Rip" edged closer and closer to Marylou, but each time she slipped away, game on. For a brief moment "Rip" lost concentration as he sat in a large alcove with some of his male and female friends. A hand on his shoulder and a voice from behind, "Hi, "Rip" said the voice, "Are you trying to ignore me? "Who is "Rip"? asked one of his friends, "His name is Brian" "I am sorry" answered Marylou, "But "Rip" here is the father of my youngest child, Conor" "Rip" put his head in his hands, "What" he shouted. And Marylou waited for the backlash. "I mean what a surprise Marylou" he said, "I honestly did not recognise you. And how is, well not so little Conor these days, he must be all of fourteen" Yes he is "Rip" answered Marylou" and resembling his father more and more each day" "What the feck's going on Brian? asked his Irish friend Fergal. "It's a long story, and this is not the time or place" replied "Rip" leaving his seat, taking Marylou by the hand and leading her to the nearest exit. "What the hell Marylou" he said. But Marylou did not answer, she just stood there with that sixteen year old smile spread across her face. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him saying, "It's wonderful to see you again, at least this time dressed as a man" "Rip" returned the hug that quickly turned into a squeeze between two old advisories. "Lets get out of here" he said. "Do you want to see your son? she asked, "Do you think he would recognise me after all this time? said "Rip". "We have to make him first" said Marylou. "You remember the story of the Carrots and the Cucumber, and by the way are you still hugging trees?
During the next few weeks Marylou opened up to all that had happened in her life and the trials and tribulations of being a single mother. But in all of their conversations nothing came back from "Rip" only in that he travelled to far flung places finding new ways to feed the world. Any questions regarding a love life were met with, "I was too busy for all of that" "But what about now? asked Marylou following the same old answer. "This is different" answered "Rip" "We have history" "I don't want history" replied Marylou. "I want today and tomorrow, and whatever that brings" "Be careful what you wish for" said "Rip" things are not always what they seem" "As usual avoiding the question" said Marylou, "We are both in our thirties and you haven't even kissed me let alone had sex. These small items should have been done and dusted by now. What is going on? "Its complicated" he replied, "I just can't explain" And with that said he once again walked of. Following this episode Marylou decided it was time to concentrate on Chloe who had just celebrated her seventh birthday. This coupled with the fact that "Rip" had once again disappeared from the face of the earth and was uncontactable, for a short time made life make more sense. Two months passed without a word and then one evening a knock at the door, it was "Rip". "Are you mad at me" he asked, "I've been hugging trees in Columbia but after a while it is just plain boring. Come to dinner, we need to talk" "I think that is the longest passage of speech you have given me since our reunion" answered Marylou, "They must have done you some good. Come inside while I get my coat" As he stepped over the threshold a memory came rushing back. "Are your parents in costume" he asked. "Not at all" answered Marylou, " just plain old Chad and Constance. And this is my daughter Chloe who has just turned seven, I won't be long" Chloe looked at this strange man dressed in a kind of rambling outfit, "Are you my mummies boyfriend? she asked. "I don't know" he said, I might be, I mean I could be, I think we will know after dinner. Does that answer your question" "No not at all" answered Cloe. 

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