Untitled Part 12

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                                                                                       Hail to the King

The shock of what had happened was difficult to understand for "Rip" and Marylou, but seemed to be perfectly normal to the Villagers. Life returned to some kind of normality with Marylou and "Rip" trying at all time not to take away from the Embako what had been their customs for hundreds of years. Their main focus's were Education, cleanliness and crop growing. Without thinking too much about it ,Marylou asked where they stood with regards to their Wedding. "We would require my son Rak to deliver the Ceremony" he said, without so much as a smile. "Is that actually possible? she asked. "Well I could try downloading the words on my Lap-top, but he cannot read English, and it would probably be a disaster" he began " or we could get married the Embako way whereas Rak just tells us, he is yours, and you are hers. What do you think? Marylou pondered the situation, "Can we at least have some decent clothes" she said, "I mean for the whole Village" "I can arrange that" answered "Rip" "They tell me that Amazon will deliver anywhere, even up the Amazon" Life in the Village following the death of Chief Obasi was getting back to normal. "Rip" resumed his visits to nearby Tribes, well at least the friendly ones. There were some who were still sceptical of the White man and their Witch-Doctors regarded any kind of change as a loss of influence to themselves. He had to be careful not to mention the death of the Great Chief, it left the Embako weakened and open to attack. One day while "Rip" was off hunting with the young men of the Village and Marylou was just ending her morning school session there was some kind of commotion out on the River. Immediately all of the available men picked up their spears and ran to the shore. As Marylou looked out she could see a small boat with around eight or ten women and children on board being chased by a much larger vessel crewed by what appeared to be Brazilian Sailors and Government Officials. As she made her way to the Jetty she was met by "Rip" and the young men who appeared from a clearing in the trees. "What's going on" he asked. "We are about to find out" replied Marylou. The small boat had docked at the Jetty but the Embako Warriors would not let them come ashore. "Rip" made his way to the front of the crowd. "What is the problem? he shouted to the larger vessel, knowing that most Brazilian Officials spoke English. "These women and children have no husbands or fathers and have been banished from their Tribe" shouted on of the Officials. "We are therefore taking them North where they will be safe. We would be grateful if you do not get involved" Marylou, now standing next to "Rip" said quietly. "They have bought these people and they are heading for the child factories and prostitution" "I agree" said "Rip" "But this is a delicate matter. "We can't just let them be taken" said Marylou, "But we have no official status here" "That is where you are wrong my dear" said "Rip" "Let them come ashore" he said to Mazuma. "Get them on land as quickly as possible" "Who are you" shouted the Brazilian Official, "These people are in our charge" "My name is Brian Solomon's" he answered. "I am son-in-law to the Great Chief Obasi and Father to his heir, Rak. The Great Chief does not speak English and at this moment is not feeling very well. Therefore I have been tasked with speaking for him. These people have asked for asylum in the village of Alambi home to the Embako people. This is sovereign land where you have no jurisdiction. You supply no food, you supply no medical aid and we pay no Taxes to the Brazilian Government. Now I suggest that your time here is at an end and with the greatest respect you should move on" For almost one hour there was silence, except for the low muttering coming from the boat out in the river and then with no other verbal contact the engines started and they were gone. A few weeks later the first vessel to be seen since the Government boat was the Amazon delivery of Dresses and shorts for the Wedding. The idea was to get it over and done with before the baby arrived. "Rip" was building a new house for himself and his expanding family while in the back-ground there seemed to be a lot of giggling going on amongst the women. "Excuse me Brian." said Marylou waving her hand, "Can you come over here please? He noticed that she was wearing some kind of oversized Toga. It was unusual but he decided to play along. "How can I help? he inquired, wearing only a pair of Amazon shorts. "My goodness your body is amazing" said Marylou, "I think I will call you "Rip" "Ok" he said, thinking this sounds familiar. "You see my problem is that there is a party tonight in the big Lodge and my friend and I are not invited. But with your help I could convince the IT girls seated on that log that I have a cool boyfriend and get an invitation. Will you help me "Rip? "Of course I will" he answered, What do I have to do? "Just walk over with me and maybe give me a little kiss" she said They walked over to where the group of giggling IT girls were sitting. As they arrived he turned to her and taking her in his arms made to kiss her. "What do you think you are doing" said Marylou, pushing him away and slapping his cheek, "You won't even admit to what you have done" she shouted, pulling off the Toga and revealing her now massive stomach. "By the time little Conor is born you will be living the life back in the US. Shame on you Brian Solomon's. and with that she walked away, to be surrounded by all of the young women comforting her and waving their fingers at "Rip". "Brilliant" he said, clapping his hands and going over to join in the huddle. Exactly four weeks later Little Conor did after all these years eventually arrive. The coincidence was that he made his appearance on the afternoon of their wedding day. All of the Tribe formed a circle clad in their new dresses and shorts, in the centre "Rip" and Marylou awaited the arrival of Chief Rak. The young eight year old Chief made his entrance flanked by his two sisters Revia and Cloe, while walking behind him came Mazuma now his chief advisor until he turned eighteen. The ceremony was as expected and with all probability the quickest ceremony ever held. There was nothing to sign. no broomstick to jump over, only Rak saying "He is yours and you are his. Time for Marylou to go into labour and three hours later Conor was born.  That night as was Embako tradition the whole Tribe sat around fires on the edge of the Amazon River. With his hand around his new wife and child and their older children at their feet. "Rip" turned to Marylou, "Could you ever have imagined all those years ago that we would end up here? he asked "Not in my wildest dreams" she answered, "But I am so glad we did"

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