𝐢𝐢. peter johnson?

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Luke & El had exited the Arena with her early birthday present in hand.

And in her other hand, was Lukes, as the two walked happily together to the Hermes cabin.

Elena wanted to see him off before he attended to his cabin leader duties. But, when she said bye to Luke and gave him a peck on the cheek, she only made it about 5 feet before spotting Chiron walking with the same blonde boy from earlier that morning. Curiosity got the better of her, so she stopped herself and waited to see where they were heading.

Chiron walked the scrawny Minotaur slayer right into the Hermes cabin. Elena, being nosy as she is, walked just close enough to the entrance to hear what was going on inside, then bent down to 'tie her shoe'.

"Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!" El heard Chirons deep voice address the entire cabin before clapping his hands to further their attention onto him.

"This is-"

"BOO!" El felt two hands from behind her lightly push on her shoulders.

The startled girl followed the voice with her head till she looked up to see her brother.

"What the hell is up with everyone scaring me today, huh?"

"I don't get what you mean... but ok." Mason looked confused.

Elena got up from her 'shoe tying' position to talk with him.

"Nice bow and arrow." Mason complimented his sister.

"Thanks, Luke got it for me." Elena smiled at the thought of her boyfriend.

"No, I know. I was in on it."

"Awe Mason, you actually care about me?" She said sarcastically.

"Ha ha." He said monotoned. "What are you doing over here anyway?"

"Well, I was trying to listen to Chiron introduce the new kid before you interrupted me." She stated blatantly, crossing her arms.

"Oh, I already know his name." Mason shrugged his shoulders like El was late to the party of knowing the new kids name. "It's Peter Johnson."

"Peter Johnson?" Elena's eyebrows knitted together.

"Yup." Mason said confidently. "That's what Mr. D told one of the satyrs, who then told Travis, and then Travis told me."

El knew better than to trust what Mr. D was calling the newbie. She remembered when she was called Eliot for about a week until he finally got it right. But, she didn't correct Mason, she thought it would be funny if soon he tries to introduce himself and ends up calling the new kid by the wrong name.

"Ok..." Was all she said before Mason switched topics.

"You should probably head back to the cabin to, you know, change." One of his eyebrows lifted as a suggestion.

"Yeah, I know. I'm going right now." Elena was sick of people pointing out her pjs.

"Alright," Mason patted his sister on the back. "I'm gonna go, you have fun doing cabin duties, or whatever you do."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑, l. castellan 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴!Where stories live. Discover now