𝐢. new arrivals

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If there was one thing cabin #6 was good at... it was hiding Elena's messes.

Papers were spread out across the floors constantly, some crumbled and those ripped up. The others were abundant amounts of blueprints from old and new sketches that Elena needed to 'see fully' in order to know if they were riveting or a complete waste. And saying that out loud was harsh, but in her eyes if you don't want to be great, it's better to just be nothing.

Mason would never tell it to her sisters face because she loved her so much. But the rest of the Athena cabin had a code word for when Elena did this type of thing. 'Type of thing' meaning make their entire living quarters into the inside of a paper shredder.

They would often stuff her hard work in drawers or under her bunk and hell, even the trash if they were that sick of it. The only reason it never got too out of hand was because Elena was head of the Athena cabin. How? She wasn't really sure either, but apparently her good parts like her innate leadership skills, outweighed her very messy lifestyle.

However, Elena didn't try to make her space a mess, it sorta just happen. That's just the kinda person she was, at least that's what she told Annabeth. The only one of her cabin mates besides Mason who wasn't scared to go in after the code had been spoken. She liked the fact that Elena was messy, she had a creative mind and Annabeth admired that. She loved getting to talk about architecture with someone who actually understood what she was saying for once. And it felt good to have someone who was like a sister to her. Even if Annabeth was super embarrassed about that one time she accidentally called Elena 'Thalia' which was a sore subject to never bring up.

Elena enjoyed the company and enjoyed getting to hold it over her boyfriend—Lukes—head that his little sister liked her more than him. The two of them had only been dating for five months now but it felt like longer. Elena had secretly liked him since they were fourteen. Life appeared to be thriving in her eyes and if she was being honest, she wouldn't mind living the same way for the rest of eternity. As long as it meant she stayed with Luke here forever, and nothing changed.

"Hey! El!" Mason snapped his fingers infront of her face "Chop, chop! It's time to get up!".

He continued to wave his hand infront of the sleepy girls face.

El responded back with a "gggguhhhhhh". And Mason mocked her.

"gggguhhhhhh...." He said. "I don't care, up!"

"Yeah, I got the message. I'm awake."

   "Good." Mason placed his hands on his hips.

Elena sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Dude what time is it?"

"Trust me, you're not gonna want to miss this."

"You didn't even answer my—"

Mason practically tore the girl from her bed as he dragged her by the hand to bring her outside. Elena's eyes prepared to adjust to the sun but it was strangely dim out. Mornings here at Camp were always so bright...

"Is it still night?!?" Elena protested, she wanted to get back in bed.

"No, you big baby, it's only 4 am." Mason said unbothered.

Elena chuckled at his stupidity and hit his side.

"Ouch! No need to be so aggressive."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑, l. castellan 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴!Where stories live. Discover now