"It's about school, did you hear  him? He said nobody in his class likes him," Hoseok said, worry evident in his voice. Yoongi frowned. "That's not good. Is he being bullied?" Taehyung shook his head. "I don't think so. Jungkook hasn't mentioned anything like that." Jimin sighed. "Maybe he's just feeling left out. We should talk to him." Namjoon nodded. "Agreed. He might need our support more than ever right now."

 "You guys are right," Jin said. "We can't leave Jungkook alone. Let's go find him and talk."

Everyone agreed and went in search of Jungkook.

As Jungkook sat alone in the park, lost in thought, his brothers approached him with genuine concern.

Seeing them, Jungkook got up, ready to leave, but Namjoon stopped him saying," Jungkook, wait. Let's talk about what's going on." Jungkook got frustrated,"  I don't want to talk! Just leave me alone."

" Kook, we're just worried about you. You can't keep running away." Jimin said.

Jungkook ignoring them ,"I need some space."

Feeling overwhelmed, Jungkook stood up and ran away towards the main road.

 Suddenly a car screeched heard. The brothers' eyes widened in horror as they witnessed Jungkook crash into a car, completely unaware of its approach.Jungkook flew through the air and landed hard on the ground,

"Jungkook!" Yoongi shouted as all run towards him. 

Jin place Jungkook's bloody head on his lap as tears were rolling down from his eyes. "No no no Jungkook Jungkook can you hear me hmm, Talk to hyung baby talk to us, please"


" We are here bub we are hear." Yoongi said holding Jungkook's hand.

"Hurts..." Jungkook whispered weakly before he went limp, unconscious in Jin's lap.

"Koo....Kook Jungkook wake up !" Jin said shaking Jungkook.

"Someone call an ambulance!"Hoseok frantically yelled frustrated.

" Jungkook, please, say something!" Taehyung and Jimin started to cry.

Namjoon was just crying not knowing what to do.

" Ambulance is here !!" Some one shouted from the crowd. As the ambulance arrived.

 The paramedics quickly assessed Jungkook's condition and began preparing him for transport to the hospital.

Jin, his face etched with worry, approached the paramedics with urgency. "Please, let me go with him. I can't leave him alone." He pleaded .

The Paramedic nodded "Family is allowed to accompany. Hop in, we'll do our best."

"You go hyung we will fallow you in our car." Yoongi said as nodded at him.

Jin climbed into the ambulance, sitting by Jungkook's side as it sped away, sirens wailing.


The brothers anxiously awaited news about Jungkook's condition in the hospital waiting area. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor come out from the ER, and they gathered around, their eyes filled with concern.

Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothers one- short Stories] Book-2 Where stories live. Discover now