Chapter 6

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"Do you really have to follow me everywhere I go?" I asked Cain.

He stopped looking at every hallway and looked at me. "Sorry, Princess Dabria but it's my duty."

I rolled my eyes at his formality. "You know you can call me Dabria right?"

"But King Lucifer said-"

"I don't care what my dad said. You're like my age so it's weird." I continued walking.

"If I may ask, Princess Dab-" I gave him a look. "Right, sorry. Dabria, where are we going?"

I shrugged. "Like I know. I'm just walking because I literally can't do anything without my head pounding." Two days later and it still was a pain in the bitch.

"The healer prescribed you some pills you-"

"No," I said, leaving no room for discussion.

Cain nodded as we continued walking all around the castle. After a while, I grew dizzy from all the movement. I grabbed the wall and leaned into it.

"Dabria, are you okay?" Cain asked, his voice sounding like it was underwater.

"Yeah, give me a second. Maybe walking wasn't the best idea," I admitted.

"You think," Cain replied.

I blinked a little, adjusting my blurry vision. After a minute or two, my vision cleared up but my body still felt weak.

"Maybe we should take you to-"

"No. I'm not going to a healer," I argued.

"I was going to say your bedroom," Cain finished.

I looked at him and nodded. I pushed off the wall and staggered back until my feet left the ground. Strong arms caught me and carried me.

"I got you."

I looked up at Cain as my eyes rolled back into my head.


A hand touched my face causing me to jerk awake. The hand shot away, scared by my sudden movement.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just me," Gabrial said.

"Why were you touching me?" I asked while sitting up in bed. I looked over to my window and noticed how dark it was outside.

"You were burning up when I arrived, so I placed a cold rag onto your head to try and cool you down. I was seeing if it worked," he explained.

I nodded, a little out of it. My headache intensified from earlier. "What time is it?"


My lips parted. "I was out for that long?"

He nodded as he sat down at the end of my bed. "I saw Cain carrying you when I was with Sam and Damon. He said you passed out by the library and was walking you to your room."

My stomach growled causing my ears to heat up.

"Do you want me to get you food?" Gabriel asked with a small smile.

I shook my head and pulled the covers up. My legs hit the ground as I got up.

"Always the stubborn one," Gabriel smirked with a shake of the head.

I shrugged as I opened my door, running into a castle guard.

"I'm sorry, Princess Dabria. I-"

"No, don't apologize. It was my fault, I forgot y'all guard my door at night," I replied.

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