Chapter 2

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I sent my last email from the day and shut off my computer.

"Are you ready?," Alex asked.

I glanced at the clock and huffed. "I guess. Tell Roxy I will be back on Monday."

Alex nodded and left the room as I grabbed my coat and water bottle. I hung up my purse on one arm and grabbed my keys. I locked my doors and walked down the hallway.

"Bye Roxy! Bye Jane!," I yelled to my coworkers.

I took the elevator down and spotted Alexandria already at the door. Her face held an irritated look with her arms crossed. I gave her a look which she rolled her eyes at.

"We are already late. It's already two pm and you're over here lollygagging," she complained as she opened the door for us and cranked the car. I hopped into the passenger's seat and buckled my seat belt.

"What does it matter? It's just lunch with dad. I don't think he will care if I'm a couple hours late."

Her face slipped when she stopped at a red light. My eyes narrowed at that.

"What was that?"

She turned and faced me, eyes slightly wide. "What was what?"

"Don't play dumb. You know something. What is it?"

A horn blew startling us. She looked in the rear view mirror when I noticed the light was green. She started driving, avoiding my question.

"Alex, spit it out. I know you know something. What is the real reason my dad wanted to have lunch with me?"

"I promised I wouldn't tell. You will find out when we get to the castle."

I looked her up and down. I read body language well and I can tell whatever it is, it's something big.

After a couple of minutes of silence, she pulled into our garage of our giant house. We walked up two flights of stairs when we reached the door.

I turned the knob, feeling the wind burst through. My curled black hair blew everywhere as I stared into the purple portal.

"Princess's first," Alex insisted. I rolled my eyes and walked through the portal.

My foot felt hard concrete as I reached the other side. A cold gust of wind sent chills over my body. I was slightly lucky I wore a black leather jacket today. I turned as I watched Alexandria walk through the portal.

"Ready?," she asked.

"Like I have a choice if I am or not," I sassed. I rolled my eyes as I started walking to the castle.

My black high heel boots hit the ground hard. Servants sensed my presence and bowed one by one. My head was held high, face cold as stone.

I walked up the steps and stopped at the double doors.


I scoffed. "Seriously. Open the doors."

The guards looked down and their eyes widened in fear. "Apologies, my princess." They bowed then opened the door.

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Idiots."

I walked to the dining room and stopped once I saw the royal family of Heaven.

Silence broke out as my lips parted in shock. My father stood up quickly and pulled me into a hug. I froze on the spot. He pulled away once he realized how stiff I was.

"Dabria. Why don't you go sit by Damon and Parisa?"

I was about to argue back when I saw Alex's face. I looked the royal family up and down, then sat between my siblings. Damon gave me a tight side hug.

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