Chapter 55

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Nyx's POV

"That'll be $250.89 sir."

The cashier said with a polite smile on her face handling this purchase with the utmost professionalism.

Despite the embarrassing situation she's dealing with here.

I adjusted the hem of the new crimson silk shirt I was wearing to try hide the cum and slick stains on it and smooth out the creased hems. These coupled with my messy hair and hickey-ed neck I'm sure I looked like a prostitute.

An expensive prostitute. Jai corrected.


"Thank you so much. Ummm.....don't worry about packing I'll just wear it." I said apologetically handing her my card.

Dominic grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. My nose smashed into his shoulder blades and it hit me all at once - his smoky scent.

"Don't worry I've got it puppy" he said handing the nice lady his card.


"I can pay for my pay shi...." I said looking at the nice lady at the counter "stuff. My own stuff". She smiled with propriety.

"Don't be stupid I'm paying for this."

"I don't need you to pay for anything" I retorted.

"I want to buy this for you"

"I want to buy this for myself. "

"Well I made you ruin it so it's only fair." He said cheekily pointing to the stains.

"Those stains are from MY bodily fluids so I will pay" I yelled making my way to the counter from behind him.

Dominic snorted a laugh, and snaked his arm around me pulling me back from the counter and put his card on the counter over my shoulder.

"That's cute but you are my Omega so I am paying for this." His voice sounded final and his scent grew concentrated and oppressive again, like a volcano brimming with the thick air of a possible eruption.

The lady who looked rightfully traumatised by our conversation took his card and swiped it as quickly as her hands would allow. I don't know what she was more afraid of the source of the stains or Dominic's deathly scent.

You're MY Omega.


A descriptor of ownership.

That's all I am to him.


My blood started boiling as his words sunk into me. All those lifetimes where he bought me beautiful gifts which were all just Trojan horses to smuggle in a controlling dynamic in our relationship. Everytime he hurt me Darius would shower me with stunning fabrics, gold ornaments and expensive furniture, no one who met me could think I was in pain because I looked so materially satisfied.

I was stupid to think that Dominic would change. Why would he? He has all the power and I am his as he keeps fucking reminding me....

Omega Chronicles: Bite Me!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ