Chapter 7: The Pendulum Swings

Start from the beginning

"Sadly, it only got worst from there." Shiryu said.

"How so?" Reiji asked.

"Zarc's Darkness, which gave itself the name "Z-Arc", gained enough power to take full control of Zarc's body and used its power to fuse Zarc's four heavenly dragons with Zarc's physical body.

 Becoming the Supreme King Z-Arc." Shiryu revealed. "Z-Arc went on a rampage, destroying everything and anyone that got in its way."

"You mean this Z-Arc killed people?" Serena gasped.

"Yes." Shiryu nodded. "During all this, your father found a way to stop Z-Arc or who he thought was Zarc himself."

"Wait, he thought that monster was Zarc?" Rin asked.

"Didn't anyone know it wasn't him?" Ruri asked.

"Sadly no." Shiryu answered. "Not even Ray knew."

The sisters felt a deep sadness in their hearts, like they could feel Ray's sadness themselves. Which they in fact did.

"How did Leo stop him?" Reiji asked, getting things back on track.

"Feeling like it was all his fault, Leo worked on gathering special energy to create four unique cards called Natural Energy Cards, or En Cards for short." Shiryu said.

"Natural..." Serena started.

"Energy..." Ruri continued.

"Cards..." Rin finished.

"What type of energy did my father use to create these cards?" Reiji asked interested.

"The energies of the universe." Shiryu answered.

The listeners were shocked at the answer they were given.

"The energy gathered from the Moon, Winds, Birds and Flowers." Shiryu explained.

Hearing the first three caused the sister's eyes to widen. Serena's monsters were called "Lunalight" or "Moonlight". Rin's were called "Windwitch". Ruri's were called "Lyrilusc" that were shown as bird-like monsters.

"After he created the En Cards, Leo planned to use them himself to atone for his "crime" of creating Z-Arc." Shiryu continued. "However, someone else had other ideas."

"Ray." Reiji finished.

"*nods* That's right." Shiryu confirmed. "Ray didn't want Leo to sacrifice himself, believing he would be needed for the world to rebuild."

"Sacrifice?" Reiji asks, while an uneasy feeling settles on him.

Shiryu then proceeds to explain what happens in chapter 1 but changes the ending to the Duel Spirits reincarnating Zarc to stop Z-Arc instead of meeting Shiryu in his Dimension.

"And that is all I can recall from the "Dream Memories"." Shiryu says with a shrug.

While Reiji closes his eyes to think about all that he was told, the sisters were horrified and saddened.

"Zarc was still alive and used all his power to stop Z-Arc from hurting Ray." Ruri said.

"Only for her to have no choice but to use the En Cards to stop that monster." Rin said.

"Damn it." Serena growled. "And Leo is disgracing her memory by igniting a war across the Dimensions! Which is what she was trying to prevent from happening by splitting the original dimension into 4 in the first place!"

"It is good to know that you were born from the Light within Zarc, Shiryu. However, Z-Arc will no doubt use this as an opportunity to revive itself through your brothers." Reiji said as he opened his eyes.

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