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Mar crept inside of his house quietly. Angel and Rae was upstairs sleep. Or so be thought, as soon as he got ready to walk past the dark living room, Angel popped on a lamp.

Mar Instantly pulled out his gun not knowing who it was.

"Samarion" Angel spoke

"You can't be doin dat ma, whatcha doin up pretty ?"

"this is like your 2nd time coming into the house late as hell in the night.so tell me Mar what's tea ?!?"she asked him. It's been 2  weeks since they've been at her parents house. And every since then Mar hasn't been around as much. They found out who shot Angel house up. And they found out who set it up.

"Ain shi tea, it's strictly business Mi'Angel" he told her.Angel looked at him and shook her head.

"Stop stressin im not cheatin, ia' leave you befo i cheat on you, cmon let's go to bed ma" he told her as he walked to her and reached his hand out for her to grab and he pulled her up. They went upstairs and he got in the shower and she laid down and waited for him to get out as she rubbed Rae's back. When Mar got in the bed he snuggled right under Angel, so she was in between Rae and mar and the laid on her and cuddled her.

Zaire's laugh echoed through out the entire room as Mar tickled him. The duo do nothing but play and sleep and eat all day when their around each other.

Angel sat beside them as she ate her Zaxby's. She also had some fruit that she had for Mar to cut up for her earlier in the day.

"Okayyy waitttt" Rae said as he finally squirmed away from mar and went beside his mom.

"Mommy can I have some"

"Mmh, you gotta calm your breathing down first" she told him as she watched him calm down and lay against her.

After a while she gave him a chicken tender and he bit it and started rubbing belly. Mar laid in the bed and laid on one of Angels legs .

"Belly, you want some ? It's gooooodddd" Rae said and belly started kicking Angel. Angel sat back and lifted up her shirt.

"Look you got belly kicking" she told him

Rae gasped and poked the spot and instantly scrunched his face up and Mar busted out laughing.

"Unt unnn, why it feel like that, I don't like it" Rae said as he moved his hand and began eating some of his mothers fruit.

"You scared yo brotha belly, he said Unt unnn" Mar said as he rubbed Angels stomach as he cracked up talking to belly.

" you gonna ask him Zaire ?" Angel asked

"Ask what mommy" he questioned at he grabbed his iPad

"What we talked about at Memaw and papa house"Angel said and it instantly clicked into his little brain.

"Ohhhhhhh"he said as he started playing on his iPad.

"Mar Mar" Rae called out

"Hmm" Mar called out as he looked up from his phone

"Can you be my da? I hear kids at school talkin about der daddy but I can't talk about mine because I don't have one. But I have a Mar mar, the stuff their daddy's do you do it for me."he spoke as Angel took his iPad which made him frown a bit.

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