"Im going to go to Ellen's studio and see if they know where he is!" I said. It wasn't too far away so i walked. Eddie walked there when he needed to go to his interview. There were guards at the gate.

"Do you know if Eddie Redmayne is still here?" I asked.

"Ma'am that is confidential information." One said.

"Im his girlfriend and he's been missing!" I replied.

"Name?" He asked.


"First and Last."

"Im not sure of my last name. Hollis the princess of wales?" I asked.

"Go inside! Im so sorry princess!" They said bowing.

"Don't be sorry! Is Ellen still here?" I asked.

"Yes. She should be in her office." The guard said. I walked inside and followed the signs to her office. Her door was open and she was writing something. She looked up and saw me.

"Hollis!" She said. She got up and bowed.

"Hello Ellen! Nice to meet you!" I said.

"Nice to meet my 15th cousin in law!" Ellen said. I laughed.

"That's right!" I said.

"What can i do for you?" She asked.

"Well is Eddie Redmayne still here?" I asked.

"No he left! Why?" She asked.

"We cant find him and he isn't answering his phone!" I said. My phone started ringing. It was a unknown number. I still answered.



Are you Hollis princess of Wales?


You know Edward Redmayne right?


I am Doctor Griffin at Good Samaritan Hospital (made up doctor name). We are calling in regards to Edward John David Redmayne. Mr. Redmayne, he has been seriously injured in a car accident. You are the first person on his ICE contacts in his cell phone. Please come to the hospital.

What happened to him?!?!?!

We will explain everything at the hospital ma'am. Im sorry about Edward.

I'll be there in a few minutes. I said hanging up.

"Is everything okay?" Ellen asked.

"No! Eddie got in a car accident and is seriously injured! I don't have a car, im not from here, and i have no idea where that hospital is!" I said starting to cry.

"I can take you! Is it the Good Samaritan Hospital?" Ellen asked.

"Yes!" I replied.

"Come on!" She said. We ran out to her car. I got in and she started driving. I got out my phone and called everyone and told them to meet me at the hospital. It didn't take long to get to the hospital. Me and Ellen ran inside.

"What room is Eddie Redmayne in?" I asked with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Room 753 top floor. He is in critical condition so he might be in surgery." The lady said at the front desk. Me and Ellen ran to the elevators and went to the top floor. There were people in scrubs and white trench coats everywhere. We found room 753. I quietly walked inside and saw a hospital room empty. Me and Ellen sat in the chairs. I texted Aria the floor and room number. Soon a doctor walked inside.

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