"Appa, are you ok?"

Mr. Kang saw his daughter back home while Mrs. Kang and Yeosang do their own business.

"Minae." He embraced his daughter protectively, causing the child face confuse.

"I'm ok. I'm just want to make sure that you won't get hurt." She stared at him confusely.

"What do you mean, appa?" He broke the hug, smile at her.

"Doesn't matter. Now, wanna read the new novel? I just got borrowed it." She smiled happily.

"Yes!! I wanna read it!!" He chuckled.

"Alright. Read on."

Minae reads the new novel that her father bring it to home after he borrowed from the other library.

Little did she know....her father had a dark secret about the book he had to keep from them.


On night time,

A vampire king goes to Kang's household to hunt both adults with the smirk on his face.

As he encounter Mrs. Kang, she was shocked to see a vampire was a king of Hahoe in here and knew he was a vampire.

She want to run away from him and warn to her husband. But it was too late, the vampire drink her blood until dried.

He tasted that blood was called royal blood as his body is become stronger. After her death, he threw away and search Mr. Kang.

Meanwhile, with him and twins non-indentical, they were hide behind their house and shocked to see Mrs. Kang is died.

"Appa, what should we do?"

Yeosang asked panicly and his arms were around his twin sister. Mr. Kang told him to keep the secret book.

"Take care of it and your twin sister."

Then, he goes after the vampire king as he spotted him at the outside of their household. Grabbing his dagger and marched him.

"Die, vampire!!"

Yoongi dodged his attack, evil smirking on his face. Pushing Mr. Kang harshly as the dagger had fall down.

"You can't kill me now. How about I want to turn you."

He choked Mr. Kang tightly, his face went closer to his neck as he pierce his fangs into his flesh. Mr. Kang screamed in pain.

Minae and Yeosang heard the scream from their father. She was too curious and want to check on their father.

With Yoongi, he bit Mr. Kang's neck while drinking some of his blood. He full as he threw him away.

"Looks like I drank too much. Have a nice meal after your tranformation." After that, he went off to his place.

With them,

"I had to see it's appa was ok." Minae broke his arms off and go to the front house.

"Minae, wait!"

As soon as she went to Mr. Kang, she clearly saw his body was shaking as he was about to transform.

"Appa!! Don't die!"

Mr. Kang had full transformed. His eyes were now red and fangs grew long. Glancing to the child he doesn't recognize and feels thirsty.

Minae feels her father body was moving and looking up. Her eyes were teary to see he was looking a stranger look.


He hissed to the girl child as he got up quickly, choking his own daughter. Minae feels cannot breath.

"S-Stop, it hurt." Without hesitation, he bit to his daughter neck as Minae screamed in pain.

Until a person came at behind Mr. Kang as he threw that newborn away from the child.

Mr. Kang snarled at the person who threw him away. The person was blondie as he takes the dagger and stab him.

Mr. Kang hissed in pain as he was dying after being stabbed. His body fell down and turned into a black dust.

The blonde male walked to the child to see she was passed out. He touched the bite mark and feels she was still same, not changing.


The blonde male heard another child's voice and see a boy ran to his twin sister. He hummed. Yeosang glanced to that man.

"W-Who are you?!" It was Jung Hoseok and his face was calmed.

"I'm the person who saved your.....sister?"

"Twin sister." Yeosang corrected.

"Right sister."

The boy frowned that he doesn't where he live from now. Hoseok can see it because their household had been destroyed by the king.

"Anyway, let me bring you and your twin sister to your new home."

"How can I trust you?" Hoseok smiled softly, patted the child head.

"You can and let me bring your twin sister." Yeosang hummed, nod his small head slowly. Hoseok carried Minae.

"Alright, let's go to your new home."

Afterward, Yeosang followed Hoseok with Minae in his arms safely. As they reached to their new house, Hoseok put Minae down on the couch.

Minae was still unconcious after the incident and Yeosang was worried of her. Hoseok sighs.

"Don't worry, your twin sister is saved. And I should get going. Tomorrow, I'll bring you a food to you."

"Alright, thank you mr....."

"Jung Hoseok, but just call me hyung."

"Yes, hyung."

Hoseok then excuse himself to go to his mansion and kept his promise to bring the food to the children.

Yeosand, on the other hand, feels empty after their parents died and killed by the creature of the night.

"I guess I had to work when I grow up."

Ever since the incident, their life was not same as before after their death parents.

Minae and Yeosang visited their parents' graves at the graveyard. While Hoseok, he secretly help Minae's twin brother.

She doesn't know about him, except him. And that's how Hoseok know Minae and she was his first soulmate.

Hoseok was still searching for the secret book, but doesn't know it was at Yeosang.



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