Chapter 39

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▪︎~°Death of Aeyoung°~▪︎

Jung's mansion
In the living room,

(Third Person's POV)

Hoseok was in his thought about his plan to get rid of Yoongi in easy way. He had an idea until...

"Hey, hyungnim. Can I come in?"

"You can, Jimin."

The door slide open as Jimin goes inside of the living room. Sitting in front of Hoseok while looking at him.

"What brings you here, Jimin? Are you planning to see Seo's daughter?"

"That later until my guard come back and tell me the news about Lady Seo." Hoseok hummed.

"I see. Anyway, I had a plan in easy way, Jimin." His eyes went wide to hear and sees Hoseok's expression was serious.

"What is your plan, hyungnim?"


"I had to put some explosive in his cave as his own grave." Jimin was shocked to hear Hoseok's plan.

"Explosive?! You can't be serious."

"Yes, I am. That's the only way to kill Yoongi and unharm the people outside." Jimin was worried about him.

"But you could die at there!!"

"I had no choice, Jimin. Is the only way to get rid of that vampire king as long as the villagers will live in peaceful."

Jimin doesn't know what to say. Hoseok was sacrificing for him, Minae and his close dearest in his life.

"I see. I hope your plan will work."

"Don't worry, it will."


Hahoe village
Inside the cave,

"Your highness, it seems that your plan had almost failed after the night scholar saved Yangdong's villagers."

Aeyoung speaks in monotone tone, making Yoongi was pissed off of his enemy had ruined his plan.

"Why?! Is he sacfrificing to his old kinds again?! He sure will pay for it!!" Aeyoung remain silent.

"And as for you, Aeyoung.." She glanced to him.


"Come with me, to my king's throne."

Yoongi got up as he leave the secret cave and Aeyoung followed to the vampire king. They goes to the palace.

As they went there, two of king and his new-so-called queen walked through the nobles and Namjoon as Yoongi sat on his throne while Aeyoung stand beside him.

"Your highness." Namjoon greeted with a bow as they were also. Yoongi spoke,

"For now, with my queen, I had an announcement of the engagement will be cancel."

Nobles, Namjoon and Aeyoung were shocked to heard it from Yoongi as the vampire king continued.

"Yeah, because I had decided for the queen Seo Aeyoung will be punish for commited betraying me."

Aeyoung eyes widened while others were shocked to heard it. But what they didn't know Yoongi wasn't mean it.

Yoongi was only playing her and never hurt her.

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