Chapter 4

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▪︎~°First Encounter°~▪︎

200 years later

In Kang's house, a young adult female was reading a novel about family things in her bedroom.

She's very liking read many novels that she borrowed at Jung's Library or his mansion.

While your twin brother sold the best novel he found from the other village.

Speaking of her twin brother, he was selling the books again for his own good. He even teached his fellow students dor studying in Yangdong Village. Here.

Suddenly, a door knocked from the outside of her house. A young adult female put the novel on the bed as she walk to the main door.

She opened the door revealing her one and only best friend came to her(Kang's twin sister) house with a grin.

"Hi, how are you bestie?"

A purple clothed female asked with a huge smile. She gave her best friend a small smile.

"I'm doing fine, Woohee. Thank you. What brings you here?"

A question making her best friend, Woohee grinned at her.

"Let's go to Jung's Mansion, Minae. I wanna ask you to hang out with me and read the book together."

A young adult female named Minae think about it. She looks at Woohee back, smile and nodded her head.

"Yeah, I would like to. Beside, I want to see any novels that I should read at there."

"Perfect. Let's go now."

Without hesitation, Minae went out from the house and locked the door with a key as she hid it at beside window.

Minae and Woohee walked off to Jung's mansion for them to hanging out at there.


At Jung's mansion

Minae found many people loves to hang out in here because some girl villager said 'there's a handsome scholar man who own this mansion' or 'likes to seduce him'.

Minae was wondering what his look because she never seen him in this mansion before.

'He probably busy since he was the own of this mansion.'

That's what Minae's thought in cluelessly mind. She and Woohee were in her best friend dorm because she live here with her twin brother.

"Alright, Minae. You stay here while I search the novel you like, ok?" She said as Minae gave her a nod. Woohee went out from her dorm and find the new novel.

Minae just sit here very quietly while looking around Woohee's dorm in silent.

'I wonder what's Woohee taking for so long to search the new novel. I hope she will get it quickly. I'm too nervous when I was around the strangers.'


With Woohee
In the library

The dark black-violet haired female was searching the novel at 'supernatural book shelf' part.

As she was searching, a long-haired male came behind her with a naughty grins and....



Woohee almost screamed loudly as the people in the library shushed her to be quiet in here.

Woohee gave him a glared for startling her. A raven haired male chuckled and he was none other than her twin brother.

His Beloved Human || JHS FF [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang