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"Happy Birthday!"

I winced, convinced that my ear drums were damaged after hearing all of the guys yell at once. I walked into the house, looking around in confusion.

How did they all get here?

I surveyed the room, seeing all familiar faces. The pack, minus Jake, flooded my livingroom. My sister stood next to me in the doorway, and my dad sat on the couch. He nursed a beer in his left hand, looking both a little stressed out and wildly uncomfortable.

I would be stressed too if a bunch of shirtless, unusually tall and muscular guys stood in my livingroom yelling.

"Surprise, sweetheart." He stood, approaching me. I closed the door behind me, and hugged him back.

"What is all of this?" I walked further into the house, setting the garmet bag with my dress down to hang over the stair-railing "What's everyone doing here?"

"You didn't think we'd let you go all day without celebrating your birthday did you?" Embry grinned.

"It was all your sister's idea." Dad motioned to Bella. She smiled awkwardly at me, and I sent her grateful look.

"This is why you dragged me over to your boyfriends all day today? Bells if I knew, I wouldn't have been such an asshole about going over there." I let her go.

"Hey, no worries. It was a surprise." She shook her head and paused, "Dad, did you get it?"

"Follow me."

I followed him into the kitchen, all of the guys joining us. When I walked in, Billy was sat in his wheelchair near the counter. I sent him a friendly nod.

"Happy birthday kid."

"Thanks Billy."

A chorus of an off tune version of Happy Birthday rang throughout the room as everyone started to sing. Bella guided me to the table, where a round chocolate frosted birthday cake was lit up with candles.

The smile was large on my face. All of the people that I love and care about came to sing happy birthday to me.

I couldn't ask for a better gift, especially with how life's been going lately. Even Paul, who I wasn't on speaking terms with, sang in the corner of the room with everyone else. It was loud, and none of them could sing to save their lives...but it was perfect.

"Don't just stand there, blow the candles out." Quil nudged me. I leaned down, blowing the fire out. Claps surrounded me, and died down shortly after.

"I call a corner piece." Jared called.

"They're all corner pieces, idiot." Paul scoffed.


A few hours later, Billy had left- as well as Sam, Emily, Jared, and Leah. The sun had long set, and nothing except for burnt candles remained of the birthday cake.

"Thank you for all of this." I helped my dad clean up in the kitchen.

"Don't thank me. It was a team effort." He set a plate into the sink, "It seemed like you kind of needed it kid."

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