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It'd been a few days since Bella left to see her mom in Florida. Mostly, I spent the weekend on patrol with the guys. I felt uneasy, especially since she took her vampire boyfriend with her.

I kept myself busy, so I didn't pine on it to much. There was a new scent that kept passing through town, and the pack and I had spent most of our time hunting whatever or whoever it was- because the 'animal attacks' had gone up considerably.

The guys were on a chase with the Cullens tonight, after the scent passed through our territory. Meanwhile Sam asked that I stay behind with Emily just in case anything came this way.

"So, how long have you and Sam been together?" I set a plate onto the counter, placing the homemade rolls onto it.

"We've been married for almost two years now." She smiled fondly, mixing something in a bowl.

"Must be nice...having an imprint and all that." I placed the rolls onto the dining room table, "One that cares about you...protects you."

"Yeah." She chuckled "But we didn't instantly get together after he imprinted. Believe me when I say, I made him work for it."

"What do you mean?"

"An imprinter, and an imprintee could only go so long without one another." She hummed "When Sam imprinted on me...he was still together with my cousin, Leah."

The Sam, Emily, and Leah painfest.

"He left her, without a second thought. At the time, I didn't understand why. Being her cousin, I didn't even give him the time of day when he came on to me." She shook her head with an amused expression, "But he didn't give up. He continued to try and talk to me...and I never listened, until he told me everything."

"Do you ever regret it?" I questioned, referring to Leah's now stone cold demeanor.

"It sounds horrible...but no. I wouldn't change it for anything. Of course, I feel bad about Leah...but she'll understand once she finds her soulmate." She hummed in response.

I nodded, washing my hands and starting to peel potatoes.

An imprinter, and an imprintee should only go so long without one another.

What she said raced through my mind. I was just fine without Jacob, and with his ongoing obsession with Bella- he was clearly doing fine without me.

"Don't think about it to much, it makes it worse." She nudged my shoulder, "He'll come around...and he's an idiot for not realizing what he has."

I sent her a small smile, hiding my slight hurt at the mention of Jacob's choice.

"Damn right."


"I don't know, I just find it kind of pointless is all." I placed my phone between my shoulder and my ear, "I've been to the Cullens once and it wasn't all that."

Painting the red polish onto my left hand, I listened to Jessica rant about her not so lowkey jealousy of my sister and her boyfriend.

"I bet it's huge, since they're obviously loaded, or whatever."

"I guess that's a way to put it." I muttered, finishing my hand and closing the nail polish. I set it onto my desk and turned my chair around to face the window, nearly falling out of it at the sight of Jacob standing there.

"We should totally—"

"Hey Jess? I'm gonna call you back in a few." I grabbed the phone with my dry hand.


Hanging up, I gripped my phone in my hand- doing my best not to crush it.

"What are you doing here?"

And how did he get to the highest story of the house...through the window.

He stood with his head down, before looking at me. I bit the inside of my cheek, waiting for him to speak.

"I had to make sure you were alright after earlier." He eyed me carefully "The redheads been getting closer and closer."

I kept my eyes on him, my face remaining stoic as he spoke.

"I'm fine. Sam asked me to stay behind with Emily." I paused "Feel free to leave the way you came."


"No. I've been moving on with my life ever since you told me that my sister's life was more important to you than mine. I haven't thought about you once, and suddenly you come crashing into my room like you give a shit about me?" I stood up from my chair, "Who do you think you are?"

"I didn't mean it like that. You know that, and you can't just get rid of an imprint, it's there for life." He grabbed my hand making me turn my head "I care about you."

I snapped my head to him and eyed him wildly, wondering what in fucks name possessed him to make him think he can come in here all...handsome and shirtless, and all would be forgiven.

"You think I'm handsome." He grinned wolfishly. I pulled my hand away from him, stepping back and tossing my phone onto my bed with a frustrated huff.

"Stay out of my head, and get out of my room."

"Kinda can't."

"Get out." I repeated, "Unless you can tell me, right now, that you're completely over my sister."

He averted his eyes, shifting his stance slightly.

Thought so.

"Get out...get out!" I motioned to my window, "And don't come back when she chooses those bloodsuckers over you for good, Jacob."

"Athena, please-"

"Get out, before I put you out." I growled, turning my back to him, "Go!"

Reluctantly, he let out a sigh and jumped from the window. As soon as he was gone, I slammed it shut- and leaned on the bay window seat watching him jog off into the woods with blurry vision.

"Damnit." I wiped my eyes, trying to stop the flow of tears that started when he left.

Why does he have to find a way to make me cry every time I see him?

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