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The familiar clearing hadn't changed much since I'd last been here with Jacob the first time I shifted, except this time- all I could see was green for miles instead of the colorful leaves it had been painted with before.

A rare occurrence, the sun was shining above me, a welcome change to the usually clouded sky that always cast over Forks. I slowed my sprint to a stop, stepping foot onto the grass seconds before Jasper appeared next to me. I turned my head to him, holding a hand out. He grabbed it without missing a beat, and I led him to the edge of the cliff of the mountain we stood on.

"Isn't it kind of scary? The thought of not knowing anything about what's happening in the forest below us?" I broke the quiet, now looking down.

"We're the scariest creatures out here." He answered, "Isn't that the part you should be concerned about, Miss Swan?"

I guess he was right, in a way. We were the true predators, on top of the wildlife hierarchy.


I turned to him  my breath catching in my throat when I was met with the sight of diamond like skin covering pale skin. I brought my free hand up to touch his arm, slowly running my fingertips along the cold surface, "Is this the part where you turn to dust?"

His mouth twitched up into a small grin as he let me feel him. I ran my fingers up his arm, his neck, and then hesitantly- his face. I met his honey colored eyes with my own, something lighting a flame inside of me in that instant.

So this was a soul tie..

Touching, feeling, and seeing eachother for what we were...all through something as simple as eye contact.

No words were exchanged. We stood there on the mountain top, staring at one another- still hand in hand, which I'd completely forgotten.

The look he met mine with was indescribable. Mostly, Jasper seemed like he was in constant pain whenever I saw him. But in this moment, the pain left his features. And somehow he was even more beautiful.

"Jasper." I whispered, letting out a breath when he used his enhanced speed and strength to pull me closer to him by my hand. He was a few inches taller than me, so he had to tilt his head down a bit. We were barely an inch apart, and suddenly this reminded me of the dream I had the other night.

A big part of me wanted this to happen, but another part was telling me that it really shouldn't. So why was I letting it?

"Miss Swan?" His smooth southern accent coaxed me to move my face a little closer. Our lips were only a nudge away from touching. A fraction of an inch, and not only would my world be flipped upside down, but it would be completely shaken up and never the same again.

Whether that was good or bad, I wasn't sure yet.

"Do you trust me?" His eyes flicked from my lips and back to my eyes.

Did I? If I said yes, would he kiss me?

I nodded slowly, "I trust you."

"Don't" He whispered, pulling his face back from our little bubble. He slowly released my hand, giving me the space that I didn't necessarily want. I felt a gust wind brush through my hair, cooling me down from the heat of the moment.

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