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I couldn't believe it! Siedah and Monica were pregnant! I was so happy for them. They truly deserved to start their family. They made 'couple goals' look easy, but I know it wasn't. I know they have been through a lot of shit and they did it together as they came out on the other side stronger.

I figure if you have someone in your corner, someone who is willing to stick around when shit gets rough and nasty and unfamiliar, then that person is someone worth building a life with. I just met Taye, but he did have some of the same characteristics so far. He wasn't about the drama, but he is definitely headstrong and knows exactly what he wants. He has great determination and he breathes confidence. I absolutely love it.

I was happy to see where this relationship was going, we were just taking it one day at a time. There was no reason to rush. Darius seemed to have gotten over Isis quicker than expected. To be honest, I think he had someone else to occupy his time. He still ain't learned a damn thing, leading with his dick.

Around Valentine's Day, Monica and Siedah revealed that they were having boys! That news hit social media quickly and everyone was excited for them. Gifts started arriving at the studio and they hadn't even planned a baby shower yet.

As for Darius, he drew some negative attention to him as news hit the fan that he was now dating Isis's best friend, Jaidi (hy-dee). But that is a story for another time.

CFE was growing in more ways than one. And the drama just continues. 

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