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Analia had an attitude and I didn't know why to be honest. I think it had something to do with me hooking up with a female from the show. I don't know why she gets upset, beside I see her hanging out with this new nigga Marcus got and they looking all chummy now. She looked like she was fascinated by him; looking at him like she could devour him as she hung on his every word.

They were sitting next to each other on the couch across from me, having a conversation that was hilarious to Analia as she let out a loud ass laugh. She was having fun with him but damn, was the joke that funny?

"Why you so loud?" I said. Analia shot me a look that could've killed me.

"Ain't nobody louder than you coming in here all loud and shit," she snapped back.

"You ain't gotta get out of pocket."

"You ain't gotta start shit with me Darius."

"Darius, get in the booth." Marcus interrupted.

"You ain't gotta have an attitude with me, Analia. I ain't do nothing." I replied on my way to the booth.

"Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes as I walked past. "I should trip yo' ass." Analia mumbled under her breath just enough for me to hear.

"Calm down 'Lil Mama'. I see the mouse is actually a Lioness," Taye said looking at Analia.

What the fuck is his deal? And why is he getting all up in Analia's face?

Analia was cutting her eyes at me while I was in the booth. I couldn't focus as I paid more attention to Analia and dude than anything else. Siedah walked in shortly after Marcus had me start over.

"Darius, I'm gonna need you to focus, Bruh. Try it again." Marcus said as Siedah sat down next to him.

I had to close my eyes and focus on the song. I instantly went back to last night with Isis. She was amazing. I could definitely get used to seeing her on the low and low. She said she had an asshole of a man, but I could be her backup anytime. I'm good with that because I don't need a female being all jealous after I do a show. Isis didn't seem to have a problem with any of it and I Liked that.

Marcus didn't have a problem with me hooking up with someone, as long as I stayed focused. I see Bileu had a big ass mouth to be blabbing my business to Marcus. It's all good though as long as I do what I need to do in the studio, I'll be alright.

"That's what I'm talking about Bruh!" Marcus yelled when I finished the song. I zoned out and let it flow. It was then when I noticed Analia and Taye were no longer there.


"How's it going so far?" I asked Marcus how Darius was doing.

"He's doing good as long as he keeps his shit on track." I didn't like that answer, something must have happened.

"What happened?"

"Bileu told me that Darius was talking to someone at the bar last night," Marcus said as Darius was singing in the booth.

"Oh. Who was it?"

"I don't know. But I don't need that nigga to loose focus right now because of the female throwing themselves at him."

"Did he hook up with someone already?" I asked as I scrolled through the plethora of emails. It was nice helping Marcus with the promotional information that needed posting to the social media platforms. It was easy for me since I was already in editing, I knew exactly how to word shit.

Like I Want YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ