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Growing up on the far south side of Chicago, there wasn't much to do but hang out with friends, go to the store or get in trouble with the gangs. My mom didn't play any of that so she kept me busy. With her being a single mother, she made sure I wouldn't become a statistic. It's not like we needed another black male in jail or dead. She wanted me to have better than her, which is why she worked 2 and sometimes 3 jobs to make sure she had the money to pay for all of my extra curricular activities that kept me busy while she was at work.

I was lucky enough to be raised by such a mother that saw the potential in me, even before I knew it. My mom said I could sing before I could speak, which I think was impossible. She made it seem like I was crying in a melody. But I always remembered music in the house and I've always loved to sing, thinking back as far back as I could remember.

"Let's try that again Darius," Marcus said over the speakers.

Marcus Harper is a good friend of mine that I met not long ago. He found me one day in the subway singing. He's a Grammy award winning producer and he wanted to introduce me under his label, ChiTown Finest Entertainment or CFE. Marcus, along with his friend - Franklin, run the entire company.

"Sure thing," I said as the music started playing again. I was back in my element as I started singing. I could see Marcus's head bouncing to the beat. His girl, Siedah was smiling and bouncing her head too. I was happy the both of them loved the song.

"A'ight, we got. That sounds good," he said after I finished.

"You sure we got it?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Trust me," he said smiling. I walked out of the booth as Analia was walking in the door.

"Hey y'all," she said walking in while holding two shopping bags. "I figured y'all would be hungry so I stopped by Lem's and got some food,"

"Aw shit, that's what I'm talking about. Let's break," Marcus said, walking over to get a bite.

Analia Cunningham is my friend from school and one helluva singer. She got some pipes on her little ass frame. I noticed her back in high school when we auditioned for the choir. Since my mom had me take music and piano classes, I decided that I would finally put them to use. Honestly, I had no choice, it was either to sing in the choir or join the debate team because my dreams for joining the football team were out. My mom would not allow me to join the football team because she was afraid I would get hurt and my career would be over. She wanted me to use my brain instead of my body.

Analia stood about 5'2" against my 5'7" frame. She's cute as a button and she was the reason I joined the choir. I saw her in the hallway outside of the audition room looking nervous. She was afraid to sing in front of people so I suggested that I sing with her to help calm her nerves. It worked and we both joined.

"Hey Darius," Analia said sitting down next to me on the couch. "You finished laying the track already?"

"Yup, you know it," I smiled. She rolled her eyes.

"For real?"

"Girl, you know I'm good like that," I said, giving myself props.

"Boy stop playing with me," she said. "Siedah, is Marcus finished with Darius' part?"

"Yeah, he just finished before you walked in," she said without looking up from her phone. "It was nice, but I know you're gonna do betta!" she laughed. Analia stood up and started shaking her ass.

"Yes I am," she started chanting. "And you know this, man!" Analia pointed at me and laughed. She went over and clapped hands with Siedah while both of them giggled.

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