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After a swift conference with Rishi Vishwamitra and Shatanand, the royal priest of Mithila, her father pronounced the date of the wedding. It would be the auspicious day of the Uttara Falguni nakshatra. That was just a fortnight from today.

Now continuing ;

It took about three days for the messenger of Janak to reach Ayodhya to confer the good news. Dashrath promptly sent back a message expressing his delight over the happy turn of events. And it took another three days for the messenger to return to Mithila bringing back the reply from Ayodhya. Those six days were perhaps the longest, the most confusing, and the most defining days in Urmila's life.

Urmila could not escape her sisters' persistently probing questions. 'You scarcely let any of us know of your feelings for Ram's brother,' Sita started in an openly accusatory tone. 'While here I was pouring my heart out about myself and Ram, you preferred to keep it all locked up as some secret...' She looked visibly hurt.

'You were too upset yourself,' Urmila riposted with a tired smile. But she was taken aback; had she been so transparent about her feelings for him? She had been fantasizing and fretting about Lakshman for the last so many days and now her sisters seemed to be all aware of her clandestine ruminations. 'But what makes you think...' she started indignantly.

'Not think, believe! And for all his scowls and chilly silence, he seems to have eyes only for you. Everyone here can see that exceptyou!' snorted Sita derisively. 'He clearly likes you a lot!'

'Like? Now that would be the tamest understatement! Lakshman is quite besotted by her!'squealed Kirti in glee.'All through the swayamvar I couldn't help but observe those intense looks that both of them kept trading! Not to miss how both came to each other's rescue at the nick of time. If that's not love, what is?' she sighed.

'Urmi, you can't deny that! Sita, when you met Ram in our garden, both of you enjoyed an immediate mutual attraction. At that very same time, what we didn't realize though, was that much was the same with these two as well! Even before your swayamvar, Sita, they must have engaged in a silent, for-your-eyes-only-courtship that we failed to notice. It was you and Ram who well occupied our mind and attention, but I think the next potential couple are Urmila and Lakshman— long before we could ever imagine them marrying!'

Mandavi refrained from adding to the chaffing banter. She gave Urmila a long, hard look; Urmila's strained smile hid some inner conflict which she was not yet willing to divulge. For all her freely vented bluster and bravado, Mandavi knew that Urmila rarely revealed her intimate sentiments. You could almost call her secretive, masking her feelings beautifully lest anyone intrude into her in most realm of hidden thoughts. It was a defence Urmila had evolved since childhood.

She could sense Urmila's anxious embarrassment. Urmila, who otherwise possessed a liberal sense of humour and was a sporting victim of relentless bouts of teasing, looked ill at ease. If Urmila's current discomfiture was anything to go by, it must be because of some strain. She was tense but she did not want to show it.

'What perfect marriage mediators the two of you are!' Mandavi interceded, coming to Urmila's rescue. 'What about me, dears? Don't count me out. I am the same age as Urmi, so at the correct eligible age too! But I refuse to be silly and fall in love like Sita dearest. I would much prefer a handsome prince served to me on a platter— his kingdom,horses, palaces and gems, his good looks, passion and all! All I would have to do is garland my perfect prince. No falling in love for me, it's too much heartache, too many tears!' she shrugged airily.

'Hmm, you are too headstrong and hard-hearted to fall in love,' agreed Kirtis coffingly but there was no spite in her words. 'But let's hope you never have to take back these very words!'

Sita looked impatiently at all of them. 'So, shall I tell Ram and Father and ask them to do the needful?' she asked sweetly of Urmila, her eyes shining with a sudden hope.'Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful? A double wedding...think of it! And we'll always be together...two sisters marrying two brothers! It couldn't get better! Oh, Urmi, I am so very, very happy for you—and for myself! It's the happiest day of my life...I was dreading that I shall have to leave you, Urmi, but now I'll have both my favourite people around me forever!'

Beaming with unconcealed joy, she hugged her younger sister tightly and long, as if to never let her go. Urmila could feel the joy bubbling inside Sita and did not have the heart to diffuse the euphoria. She might be sure of her feelings for Lakshman but she was still not certain of his reciprocation, whatever the sanguine claims of her moony-eyed sisters. Urmila felt a hot flush up her neck; she could still feel the heat of his look.How it made her blush and shiver with pleasure. It was like a wave: drowning and drenching her in its passionate whirl and leaving her bereft in anticipation as it ebbed.She was still unsure about him. That self-doubting, niggling fear did not seem to leave her, settling as a tight knot in the deepest corner of her heart.

After the swayamvar, Ram had settled in beautifully with the family, his charm disarming, his affection infectious. In an odd way, Urmila found both her elder sister and Ram incredibly alike. A single definition could well describe them both. They were both good-natured, friendly, and always cheerful. Their love was true and unhampered by false pride and self-importance. Urmila watched fondly as she saw them smiling,chatting and laughing together.

To Be Continued .....

Hey peeps !! I hope you guys liked the update !

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See you in the next part till then ...


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