Chapter 2: First Day of Junior Year

Start from the beginning

Kyle headed towards Kenny, Cartman and Stan. Y/n headed towards Nichole, Tolkien, Wendy and Red. "Girl, you have to stop getting in that boy's business." Nichole scolded her ask she walked with them to their first class.

"It's kind of hard when he's my neighbour." She responded as they made it to her locker. She grabbed her Science books, along with English for the lesson after. Unfortunately, since her and Kyle were at the same academic level, they had all their classes together.


Y/n walked into Science and the only free seat she could see was next to Kyle. Once Kyle realised, she noticed him trying to swap with everyone else in the room, but it was too late. Their teacher had already sorted out the seating plan and had caught Kyle in the act.

"Sit down Mr Broflovski!" She yelled and he complied with attitude.

"And you got caught too." Y/n gave him a stupid comment as she sat down.

"Don't start, skank." He sneered and sunk into his seat further. She rolled her eyes and watched the teacher explain something they both already knew.


They both headed for English after the boring lesson of revision. Kyle and Y/n had walked together, in a very uncomfortable silence. They walked in and stood on opposite ends of the classroom to each other in hopes their teacher wouldn't even consider seating them next to each other. Though, during this process, Y/n kept catching Kyle's glance.

Why the fuck is he looking at me? Wait, why am I looking at him?

Kyle wasn't sure why he was looking at her either. He just kept finding himself trying to get a good look at her. It's probably because she's looking at me. Why is she looking at me?

After a minute or two of this weird back and fourth thing, the teach finally read out their places in the seating plan. "Okay, Y/n and...Kyle will be sitting together in the back middle." They both shared the same look of disgust then sat down reluctantly.


During lunch, Y/n went and sat with Nicole, Tolkien, Wendy, Bebe and Red. Kyle went to his usual spot with Kenny, Cartman and Stan.

Kyle's POV

"Dude, I'm telling you, the teachers are against me. First in Science, now in English, I can't ditch her. She even looks at me a lot, which is weird, it makes me feel weird in the stomach." I told Stan, Cartman and Kenny with annoyance in my voice.

"Wait, how'd you know she was looking at you?" Stan asked as the other boys were curious as well.

"Because I was looking at her." I stated, but paused when I realised what I really said. "Ew, why am I looking at her?" The three boys in front of me huddled up together and whispering something, but it didn't last long as their heads popped back out of the little circle they made.

"Okay, so." Cartman began. "What does your stomach feel like?"

"Like fuzzy and jumpy and kinda warm." I listed in confusion. "What does this have to do with Y/n?"

"Okay, hear us out." Stan said wearily like I should braise myself. "We think you like her."

"Ew! What the fuck! You guys are sick! Like a girl!?" I yelled angrily but then ended in a pit of laughter. I then got up to go get something from the cafeteria. Hopefully they let it go by the time I get back.

Y/n's POV

"Kyle keeps looking at me a lot, and we sit next to each other in two classes already." I sighed. "He makes me feel weird now, like I used to just get in a fit of rage when he was around, but for some reason it's more fuzzy and not in my chest but in my stomach."

"Oh my god!" Wendy laughed as she looked in shock to Nicole, Red and Bebe. I sent confused looks around the table. "You totally like him!"

"That's fucking disgusting, I'd rather drown in Cartman's shit." The girls kept laughing. "This isn't funny, this is serious. It's gross, he's gross, he's too tall, his eyes are too green, his hair is too red, his nose is too perfectly fitting for his face it makes him look...look-at-able." I paused for a moment. "Wait..." I said under my breath. "No! This is your guys fault!" I yelled as I got up to get some more food from the cafeteria.

3rd Person

Y/n and Kyle had gotten up at the perfect time that when they turned to get to the food line, they ended up standing right next to each other. "Oh my god!" Y/n yelled and stormed off back to her table. Everyone at the table saw what happened and as Y/n stormed back, they gestured to her so she'd look back. As she did, Kyle was turned back looking at her walk away. "Ugh!"

*I need feedback on this one, please!!!*

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