Part 17 - Backstory

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" need to tell Lisa to stop." Jisoo said as soon as she sat in front of her.

Jennie looked up from the book she was reading. She was doing research for her thesis at the main library when the older girl suddenly came to interrupt her. She didn't expect to see Jisoo today since she was busy handling student's matter after she was elected as the school president 5 days ago.

Their previous school president apparently fell sick and can't finish his school term. And when the relection votes came in, not surprisingly Jisoo won with 96% in her favor. It was not a surprise because Jisoonie were well known for being impartial, reasonable and fair in her treatment of students. Her reputation preceded her even when she studies abroad.

Jennie knows that's what Jisoonie trying to do now. Managing their biggest troublemaker at the moment. Lisa.

"Chu..I don’t know what are you talking about."

"Don't play innocent with me. You know she's been terrorising the students here and the only one who could put a stop to it was you."

"Why would I?" Jennie finally spoke up.


"Chu, I'm sure she have a reason doing what she did."

"Don’t you think she getting overboard with this? I kept receiving complaints about her." Jisoo replied in whiny tone.

"As a school president its your job to handle it. But maybe you should investigate further why those things kept happening. Plus, she told me she was just defending herself." Jennie explained nonchalantly.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Our maknae is not just some helpless damsel in distress waiting for someone to save her from a dragon. SHE was the dragon. At least tell her to tone it down a bit. My dad keep getting a call from his former colleagues about this. That Lisa was being a troublesome at school and scaring their children. Think about my poor old dad heart, Jenduke. Pleaseeee..."

Jennie rolled her eyes. The Kims do like being dramatic.  "Uncle not that old. They just talked to uncle because they don't want to talk with Papa Marco. They knew they going to get an earful if they did."

"But..can you please help me here. Please...please please. I'm begging you to talk to her. Rosie tried distracting her but it didn't work that long. Lisa will just get back to it as soon as she gets bored."

Before Jennie could replied, there was a loud bang coming from the entrance of the library. Few seconds later they heard Rosie voice shouting loudly. "LISA! Don't do that! SORRY, guys!!!!"

Jennie watched in amusement as Lisa just continue skipping towards her table with a big smile and mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Nini! Guess what I brought ya?" Lisa asked as soon as stood beside her.

Playing along, Jennie put her finger under her chin as if in deep thought.


Lisa shook her head.


"Nuh uh..."

"It’s milk ice cream, unnie. Take it before it melts." Rosie piped up before she sat beside Jisoo.

" spoiled it!" Lisa pouted as she brought the ice cream cone from behind her back.

"You are not supposed to bring food into library, Lisayah. You'll get detention for this." Jisoo warned her.

When Lisa smile died and the look on her face hardened, Jennie quickly stood up straight on her tiptoes leaving a kiss on Lisa’s cheek.

Jisoo and Rosie waited in bated breath as Lisa's face relaxed at Jennie's gestured. Internally Jisoo took a sigh of relief. Lisa's temper is not to be mess with. Recently though it seemed that it's quite easy for their maknae to get worked up. Some sentences or behaviour will made her mad hence the reason why she got so many complaints. But luckily, when Jennie's around she able to turn Lisa's mood 180 degrees like a switch. She was brought back to present when she heard Lisa let out a small giggles.

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