Part 13

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When Jennie opened her eyes, she looked around and her eyes widened in surprise as she realized she was back in her bedroom.

"Lili..." She started to mumble.

Suddenly someone sprang from the armchair on her bedside.

"Unnie.... you are awake!!" Rosie squealed.

Jennie winces at the high pitch tone. Her head was pounding.

"Shhhhh....pipe down, Chaeyoungah.. She doesn't need you screaming at her.." Jisoo said as she walked into the room holding a tray of food and a glass of orange juice.

As Jisoo settled on her other side, Jennie asked curiously. "Unnie? What are you guys doing here?"

"We thought we wanted to surprise you, unnie...but then.." Rosie stopped and started sobbing loudly.

"Hey...hey...It's okay. I'm okay..see I'm okay here..nothing happened." Jennie consoles the younger girl.

She also felt the start of her own tears but she held it in. She didn't want her members to worry.

"You sure you okay, Jenduke?" Jisoo asked from her side.

Jennie nodded. She tried to push herself to sit as Rosie quickly jumped in to help.

"Erm...did you guys tell Lisa?"

Jisoo's eyes widened. "You don't remember? She's the one who caught you."

"So.... is it real? She's here?" Jennie asked back.

Jisoo just nodded her head.

"Lisa was the one who insisted. On our last call, she said that there's something wrong. She kept saying that you didn't look like yourself. So she gave us the ultimatum, either we join her or she'll go alone. You know how stubborn and temperamental she was, so we decided to skip school and follow her.."

"We keep telling her that she just imagines everything. That's all in her head, Jenduke. Only to find you collapsed in the school hallway and no one, literally no one is helping you!" Jisoo added.

" was nothing, Chu. Really..."

"No! Stop! Stop lying to us! Lisa was out there worried out of her mind and here you are not taking it seriously!" The older girl scolded her.

"We really thought we would surprise you." Rosie shook her head.

"But what about your school?"

"You don't have to worry about that right now, unnie. Just focus on getting yourself better."

"Oh..I need to call the school. I need to tell them I will not be in class today." Jennie said as she scrambled to look for her phone but she was softly being pushed back to the bed.

"'ve been asleep for 8 hours. Your teacher surely realized you were not in class a long time ago. Don't worry about it. The doctor told us that you should just rest. You are dehydrated and your cook told us that you have not been eating. Why didn't you tell us?"

There's no judgment in the older girl tone. Which made Jennie feel the start of her tears again. She averted her eyes as her fingers played with the comforter instead.

"I don't want you girls to worry about me. It's just a small matter."

"When did it start?"

"Since I started here.."

"Unniee!!! That's months ago!" Rosie whined.

" was not so bad at first. They just said some words to me. I can just ignore that."

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