Part 16

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"You know Bam, my life was so much easier before. Uh the life we be free.." Lisa spoke on the phone out loud.

Jennie ignored it as she continued reading the documents in front of her. She knew what the younger girl tried to do. Lisa was currently sitting a few feet away from her and she purposely raised her voice for Jennie to hear. It has been going on for the past 30 minutes.

Lisa did not have her own office since she couldn't stand being cooped up in a room too long. So as a compromise (Jennie insisted) they put Lisa's table in Jennie's room. Jennie's table as the CEO of KM corporation situated near to the window showing Seoul view, while Lisa's table was opposite hers against the wall as the younger woman doesn't really like how high their floor was.

Lisa laughed out loud. " was not boring back then.."

Jisoo, who was sitting in an armchair with documents strewn across the coffee table, looked up from her own reading. Jennie and her are going through the deal agreement with a new joint venture company that will expand their business in Asia. Rosie will come in later after she goes through the legal documents with her family. However, she's not sure why Lisa's here.

" you mind keeping your voice down a bit? We are trying to do work here." Jisoo spoke up finally.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Well, if you don't want me to disturb you, maybe you could tell Jennie to let me get out of here. It's not like I'm needed here. I'm going to see my mom earlier but Jennie insisted that I follow her here."

This got Jennie's attention.

"Ignore her, Chu. Go back to your work. And are still grounded, Lisa. So, no. You are not going anywhere." She then went back to her work.

Lisa sighed loudly before she remembered Bam Bam on the other line. "Bam..It doesn't work. I need to go. Yeah. See you later."

After she ended the call she walked towards Jisoo. She sat on the armchair beside the older girl, releasing a sigh.







"Do you want anything?"


"I can get it for you."

"No..I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Uh huh."

"You look like you need something.." Lisa continued.


"What about food? You had a light breakfast just now right?"

Jisoo just shrugged her shoulders.

"Drinks? You want coffee?"

Jisoo shook her head.

"Massage? You seemed tense. What about..." Before she could finish Jisoo piped up.

"Oh for the love of God! Fine..please go find my PA and tell her to make 10 copies of this. Then you can bring that back to me. Now please leave me alone." Jisoo said in a pleading tone.

Lisa jumped up in glee. She took the documents and nearly ran towards the door. But before she could open it, she heard Jennie barking from behind her.

"Be sure to come back by 20, Lisashi! If you're not back by then I'll add another 3 months."

3rd Point of ViewOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz