Part 3

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"You did what? Wait, you talked to Lisa?" Sorn asked in surprise.

"Er.. yeah.."

"Are you crazy!" Minnie exclaimed loudly.


"Students were not allowed to talk to any of the YG Board members."

"What?" Niki asked back bewildered.

"Don't you read the pink welcome envelopes? That's the first thing they inform us to do when we got accepted. You'll get expelled." Minnie added.

Niki rushed to her table leaving her roommates questions unanswered. She sorted through the files in her drawers until she then found the pink envelope still in pristine conditions. She ran back towards the living room and showed them the envelopes.

"Yeah that's the one. They have all the information of the members there." Sorn reminded her.

"But maybe I didn't really talk to them. Maybe I'm just talking to four other regular students?" Niki replied back hoping it was the case.

"Nah..please...when you mentioned Lisa name at first, I thought it was some random chick too but Lisa with Jennie..nope that's them."

"Well..guess we'll just cook dinner since you need to read what's inside. Then we can discussed what to do after this." Sorn suggested.

Niki nodded her head and opened the pink envelope in her hands anxiously. Initially she thought that it was just a simple welcoming pack which contained some notepad and papers. She did get that kind of envelope from other universities. Why would she think that YG will be the same.

The first one she pulled out is a black card embossed in gold explaining the background and founders of the Uni. Second card shows the facilities and programs offered with some testimonials from the alumni. Next card shows the profile of YG seven board members and its management team.

What shocked her more was that they were there. The four girls she met earlier. Reading through their profile card, it stated that they joined the Board since they were young. Jennie joined in 2015 when she was only 16 years old, followed by Lisa and Jisoo in 2016 when they were just 14 and 16 years old respectively. Rose joined them last in 2017 at 15 years old.

And here they are, 6 years later looking at the next card. Jennie sitting at the head of the table with a sharp look on her face looking intimidatingly at the camera. Flanked by Jisoo, who is leaning back lazily on her chair with a smirk on her face while Rose resting her chins on her hands on the table looking bored. And then, there's Lisa...well, she was the one who stood out the most. Why?

Because she was the only one smiling quite happily as if she was proud to be there. While the other three wear suits to fit the occasion, Lisa just wore a simple white dress adorned with small yellow flowers with a blazer on top of it accentuating her slim figure. She stood behind Jennie, leaning slightly forward putting her hands behind both Jisoo and Rose's chair as if closing down rank.

Though they were young, their achievements were quite impressive. Between the four of them, they hold a Master Degree in Finance and Business Management, Civil Engineering, Architecture and Design and Technology, Communication and Entertainment Management. On top of that, combining their experiences involving development and management of various public projects made up nearly 10 years of experience in their own respective industries.

"Oh my god...Are they for real?" Niki muttered under her breath.

"I get it that now you finally have a full picture of the 4 YG princesses?" Sorn asked as soon as she sat down beside her bringing their cooked dinner.

"I...why..what?" Niki can only mumble.

"Well to be fair, they were introduced to us during our orientation week." Sorn added.

Minnie walked in bringing their drinks on the tray. "She hadn't joined us yet that time, remember?"

"Ouh said you have to settle some family emergency. That's why you joined us after."

"But what are they doing here? Studying? Shouldn't they be out there ruling out the world or something?"

Minnie nodded her head. "I guess they are just pursuing other interests here before they take over their family's business."

"Except for Lisa." Sorn added.

"Why Lisa?" Niki asked curiously.

"Well, according to the students' gossip column, Jisoo is the next person in line for Kim Technology, Jennie will take over Kim Apparel Co once her father steps down and there was a plan in line that Rose will co-own Park Entertainment with her sister, Alice as soon as she finished here. But there was no mention of Lisa's future plan anywhere. Zip. Nada."

"Why?" She asked again.

Her roommates just shrugged their shoulders. "We don't really know." 

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