Part 2

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"Lisayah! Where's my coffee!" 

She turned around in surprise and was ready to apologize on Lisa's behalf but her words stuck in her throat when she found herself staring back into blue icy cold eyes that closely looked like cat's eyes.

The piercing eyes seemed to stare right through her soul and apparently what she found in Niki's soul made her angrier, evidence from the scowled appeared on her face. The scowling girl was walking in between another two girls.

On her right, there was a slightly taller girl with platinum hair and a girl with black hair. But instead of glaring at her like the middle girl, they were both looking at her in amusement. The three walk towards Lisa and her like they were on a runaway. But the middle girl looks so much like she's ready to pounce and Niki can feel her body let out a small shiver.

"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?!" The middle girl addressed her angrily as soon as she neared them.

"Uh oh..I'm Niki."

"We don't really care about that. What are you doing here?" The other black hair girl piped up.

"Erm...I'm a student here."

The platinum hair girl let out a small smile before she emphasized. "That's not what she asked. She asked what are you doing HERE, as in YOU talking to Lisa."

Niki looked at Lisa and looked back at the other three worriedly. Was she not allowed to talk to Lisa? Lisa never hinted that she didn't want to talk to her.

"Guys! Stop! You are scaring my new friend!" Lisa stamped her foot and pouted.

The middle girl widened her eyes further after hearing that. Still glaring at her hard. She walked closer to Niki and grabbed her shirt collar. 


Niki felt her throat close up in fear. She was staring at Lisa helplessly asking for her help. 


Lisa put down her drinks and scowled back at the other girl. "Jennie, let her go."

"Or what? Huh? You are letting this stupid gremline distract you from my coffee!" The girl Lisa called Jennie shouted back.

" see that!!" Lisa stomped her feet again and gestured towards Niki and Jennie. And this time it seemed to do the trick.

"Okay okay everyone...we need to calm down guys. Wifey, you need to let go so the girl can breathe. Your coffee's still there." The platinum-haired girl slowly pulls Jennie's strong grasp from her collar.

"What do you mean, we? Jennie needs to calm down." The other black hair girl piped up.

"Shut up, Jisoo!" Jennie shouted back but she released her grip.

Niki took a deep breath as soon as she was let go. The girl called Jisoo quickly put her arms around her shoulder and pulled her away from the three walking quickly towards the escalator. "Get out of here. Scramp!"

She took the instructions literally and ran towards the escalator. She still felt the icy cold stare drilling a hole through the back of her head the entire time she was making her way to the 3rd floor.

I guessed no one can step in between Jennie when she really needs her coffee. 

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